5 Data Servers

Learn what a data server is and how to create one.

What is a Data Server?

A brief description of what a data server is in Oracle Data Integrator.

Data Servers are defined in the Topology navigator. Each data server represents a technology, be that a database, a file type, or an application. For databases and applications, the data server logs in as a particular user on a particular instance; but you can define more than one user in a data server. For files, the data server represents the file type (for example, flat, complex, XML) and also the file name and directory. For each data server defined in physical architecture, you must define one in the logical architecture. For each context in the logical data server, you must specify a physical data server.

You use data servers to identify data sources and the targets (where the data is loaded).

How to Create a Data Server

Follow these steps to create a data server in Oracle Data Integrator.

First create the physical data server. This example assumes the technology is Oracle.
  1. Click the Physical Architecture bar. Expand the Technologies node, scroll down and right-click the Oracle node.
  2. Select New Data Server. In the resulting Definition page enter the data server's Name, Instance, system user name and system user password.
  3. Click the JDBC tab. Click Search to the right of the JDBC Driver field. In the Drivers dialog box, select Oracle JDBC Driver and click OK.
  4. Click Search, to the right of the JDBC URL field. In the URL examples dialog box, select the first URL in the Name list and click OK. If necessary, edit the JDBC URL as appropriate for your environment.
  5. Click Test Connection. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes to confirm saving your data before testing the connection.
  6. Click OK in the Information dialog box that displays.
  7. In the Test Connection dialog box, click Test. Acknowledge the connection test as successful. (If not successful, correct the connection details.)
Create a physical schema for your data server.
  1. Right-click the newly-created data server, and select New Physical Schema.
  2. Select the schema name from the Schema (Schema) drop-down list in the new window that appears, then select the appropriate name from the Schema (Work Schema) drop-down list.
  3. Click the Default check box, if this is to be the default schema for this data server.
  4. Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog box that displays. Leave all the other fields unchanged. Click Save.
  5. Click OK in the Information dialog box that displays.
  6. Expand the data server hierarchy and confirm that the physical schema has been added to the data server.
Create a Logical Schema.
  1. Select the Logical Architecture tab and expand the Technologies node in the Topology Navigator.
  2. Right-click the technology you are using (in this example, it is Oracle), and select New Logical Schema.
  3. Enter the name of the Logical Schema in the Definition page that displays.
  4. Map it to a physical schema for each context. Save your logical schema.

    If instead of Oracle, the technology is a file, at this point you do not select the physical schema for the context, but, instead, select the physical file.

See Creating a Data Server in Administering Oracle Data Integrator.