11 Knowledge Modules

Learn about knowledge modules in Oracle Data Integrator.

What are Knowledge Modules

Learn about knowledge modules in Oracle Data Integrator.

A knowledge module (KM) in Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is a code template for a given integration task. Knowledge modules implement how the integration processes occur. Each knowledge module type refers to a specific integration task:
  • Reverse-engineering Knowledge Modules (RKM) reverse-engineer metadata from the heterogeneous systems for Oracle Data Integrator.
  • Jounalizing Knowledge Modules (JKM) handle Changed Data Capture (CDC) on a given system.
  • Loading Knowledge Modules (LKM) load data from one system to another, using system-optimized methods. These KMs are used in mappings.
  • Integration Knowledge Models (IKM) integrate data in a target system, using specific strategies (insert/update, slowly changing dimensions). These KMs are used in mappings.
  • Check Knowledge Modules (CKM) control Data Integrity on the data flow. These KMs are used in data model's static check and mappings flow checks.
  • Service Knowledge Modules (SKM) expose data in the form of web services.

Each Knowledge Module's code can be edited to improve performance, implement new methods, or comply with new regulations and corporate standards.

You can import the KMs into each project or make use of Global Knowledge Modules. These enable you to share specific Knowledge Modules across multiple projects. A best practice is to import as Global Knowledge Modules those KMs that are used frequently in multiple projects; you then only need import a Knowledge Module once, rather than import it into each project using it. Similarly, if you need to modify the Global Knowledge Module, the modification propagates to all projects using the Knowledge Module, rather than having to update each knowledge module in each project.

See Introduction to Knowledge Modules in Developing Knowledge Modules with Oracle Data Integrator.

Find the Knowledge Modules in a Project

Learn how to find the knowledge modules in a project in Oracle Data Integrator.

Follow these steps to find out the knowledge modules (KMs) in a project.
  1. Expand the project in the Designer navigator and expand Knowledge Modules.
  2. Expand the Knowledge Modules node to see nodes for the above listed KM types.
  3. Expand each to see the KMs already in the project. If you expand each KM, you can see where they are used; if you double-click each KM you can see an Overview.

Add a Knowledge Module to a Project

Learn how to add a knowledge module to a project in Oracle Data Integrator.

Follow these steps to add a knowledge module to a project:
  1. Expand the project in the Designer navigator and right-click Knowledge Modules.
  2. Select Import knowledge Modules. The Import Knowledge Modules (XML File) dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Search icon next to File import directory, and navigate to the folder .../<Oracle_Home>/odi/sdk/xml-reference.
  4. Click Open to display the Import Knowledge Modules (XML Files) dialog box. Select the knowledge modules that you want to use in this project. Be very careful in making your selections because there are several knowledge modules that have similar names.
  5. Click OK. Review the Import Report, then close it. Check the imported knowledge modules by expanding the relevant nodes under Knowledge Modules.

See Importing and Replacing Knowledge Modules in Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator.

Import a Global Knowledge Module

Learn how to import a global knowledge module in Oracle Data Integrator.

Follow these steps to import a global knowledge module:
  1. In the Designer Navigator, expand the Global Objects tab.
  2. Right-click Integration (IKM) and select Import Knowledge Modules. The Import Knowledge Modules (XML File) dialog box appears.
  3. Select the knowledge modules that you want to use. Be very careful in making your selections because there are several knowledge modules that have similar names.
  4. Click OK. Review the Import Report, then close it.
  5. Check the imported knowledge modules by expanding the relevant nodes under Global Knowledge Modules.