7 Configuring Additional Database Connections

This chapter describes how you can configure additional database connections for use in Director.

The standard options for Director to connect to data stores are described in the online help. Once implemented, these options appear in the Data Store Configuration step of the New Data Store wizard in Director. For help with using this wizard, see the Director online help.

7.1 Using JNDI to Connect to Data Stores

You can configure EDQ to use a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) data store connection.

  1. Define the JNDI data store. JNDI is provided by the hosting application server. For more information about defining JNDI data sources in Oracle WebLogic Server, see "Using DataSource Resource Definitions" in .
  2. In the EDQ data store wizard, specify JNDI as the type of data store, and then specify the JNDI name.

7.2 Connecting to an Oracle Database Using tnsnames.ora

You can configure EDQ to use an Oracle Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) data store connection. To use this connection method, you specify a name from a tnsnames.ora file as the data source when using the data sources wizard. Only the tnsnames.ora file is needed. No other Oracle client software is needed.

7.2.1 To Configure EDQ to Connect Through TNS

To connect EDQ through TNS:

  1. Set the oracle.net.tns_admin Java system property to a local directory that contains the tnsnames.ora file.
  2. Create a file named jvm.properties in your EDQ local configuration directory (oedq_local_home by default) and add an entry similar to the following: oracle.net.tns_admin = c:\\temp). This property may have been set already in the application server when EDQ was installed.

For more information about the tnsnames.ora file, see "Configuring the Local Naming Method" in .

7.3 Connecting to an Oracle Database Using Oracle Internet Directory (LDAP)

You can configure EDQ to use an Oracle Lightweight Direct Access Protocol (LDAP) data store connection by setting the required Java system properties. These properties are:

dn.oracle.directory.servers = ldap://servername:port

dn.oracle.default.admin.context = dc=domaincontext1,dc=domaincontext2

The first property gives the location of your LDAP servers. The second property sets the context within the LDAP tree. Together, these properties enable EDQ to construct an Oracle and LDAP JDBC connection string, which looks similar to:
