2 Configuring EDQ Email Notifications

This chapter describes how to configure to produce email notifications in a number of situations.

Emails can be sent to EDQ users when relevant issues are created or changed, when relevant cases or alerts in Case Management are added or modified, or when relevant jobs are finished running.

2.1 Using SMTP to Send Email Notifications

To send email notifications, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) information for your EDQ installation must be entered in the mail.properties file. Email authentication from EDQ works with an SMTP server requiring authentication is now supported via WebLogic credentials store. Set the SMTP user name and password as the session user name and password to the property list. This mail.properties file is stored in /oedq_home/notification/smtp.

  1. Copy the mail.properties file from its installed location of edq_home/notification/smtp to the notification/smtp sub-directory of the local configuration directory (oedq_local_home by default).


    This file is in the standard Java mail.properties file format, as documented at the JavaMail API documentation website found at https://javamail.java.net/nonav/docs/api/.

  2. Edit the mail.properties file as follows, supplying the name of your SMTP host at the site.
    enabled = true
    mail.transport.protocol = smtp
    mail.host = smtp.fully qualified domain name of mail host
    auth.username = username
    auth.password = password
    from.address = edqserver@example.com

2.2 Configuring Email Sessions in WebLogic Administration Console

You can also send email notifications by creating the configuration for an email session in the WebLogic console. You can then refer to this by the JNDI name in the mail.properties file. To configure a JNDI-accessible session, see http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/wls/WLACH/taskhelp/mail/CreateMailSessions.html.

session = JNDI name of session
from.address = edqserver@example.com 
enabled = true


For email notifications to work correctly, you must ensure that the from.address property is set to a valid email format for your site. You must also ensure that each of your users who will be receiving email notifications has an email address configured in their profile.

2.3 Ensuring that Email is Configured

To check that email notifications are working correctly, create a test issue in Director and assign it to a user with a configured email address. The user should receive an email with a link to the issue.