Adding a Process

To add a Process to analyze data from a snapshot:

  1. From the menu, select File - New Process, or
  2. Right-click on Processes in the Project Browser, and select New Process:
    Adding a process
  3. Select the Staged Data, Data Interface, Reference Data or Real time Data Provider that you want to use in the process, or do not select anything if you want to configure the Reader in the process later.


    It may be that you do not want to stage the data you are analyzing; that is, you may want to stream the data directly from the source. This can be done by selecting the Staged Data configuration, and changing the Process Execution Preferences of the process.

  4. Select whether or not to add Profiling processors to the process straight away. This may be useful if you are analyzing the data for the first time.
  5. Give the process a Name and an optional Description.
  6. Click Finish.