Adding Processors

EDQ comes with a library of processors for processing your data.

To add a processor to your process:

  1. Ensure your process is open on the Canvas:
    Open Process in Canvas
  2. Double-click on the Reader to configure it to read data from Staged Data (such as a Snapshot), a View, or a real time data provider.
  3. Select the data that you want to read, and the attributes from the data that are relevant to your process.
  4. Add a processor from the Tool Palette to the process by clicking on a processor and dragging it to the Canvas.
  5. Connect the processor to the data from the Reader by joining the arrows:
    Connecting the processor
  6. Configure the processor by selecting its input attributes:
    Data Types Profiler

    The blue arrow icons indicate that the latest version of the attribute will be used as the input. This is especially important when transformation processors have been used.

    See the "About Transformation Processors" topic in the Enterprise Data Quality Online Help for further information.


    • For Profiling processors, it is common to analyze the data in all attributes to discover issues of interest about the data.

    • Once a processor is correctly configured, it no longer appears with a blue background.

  7. Once you have connected the set of processors that you want to use, click on the Quick Run process button on the Toolbar to run the process and look at the results:
    Quick Run button
  8. The Canvas background changes to blue to show you that the process is running. (Also, the process icon in the Project Browser turns green so that other users connected to the same host can see that it is running.).


    The process is locked and cannot be edited while it is running.

  9. When the process has finished, the processors no longer appear with a shaded background, and you can browse on the results for each processor by clicking on the processor on the Canvas, and viewing its results in the Results Browser:
    Results Browser
  10. Drill-down on the metrics to see the relevant data for the metric.

Having successfully created a process, you can now begin to create Reference Data for the validation and transformation of your data.