Attaching Help to Published Processors

It is possible to attach Online Help before publishing a processor, so that users of it can understand what the processor is intended to do.

The Online Help must be attached as a zip file containing an file named index.htm (or index.html), which will act as the main help page for the published processors. Other html pages, as well as images, may be included in the zip file and embedded in, or linked from, the main help page. This is designed so that a help page can be designed using any HTML editor, saved as an HTML file called index.htm and zipped up with any dependent files.

To do this, right-click the published processor and select Attach Help. This will open a file browsing dialog which is used to locate and select the file.


The Set Help Location option is used to specify a path to a help file or files, rather than attaching them to a processor. This option is intended for Solutions Development use only.

If a processor has help attached to it, the help can be accessed by the user by selecting the processor and pressing F1. Note that help files for published processors are not integrated with the standard EDQ Online Help that is shipped with the product, so are not listed in its index and cannot be found by search.