About Published Results Indicator

Processors in a process that are configured to write one or more Results Views to Staged Data, and where publishing is currently enabled, are indicated using an overlay icon on the Canvas, as shown below:

Results Views to Staged Data overlay icon


If the Staged Data set that a Results View is being written to is deleted or renamed, the indicator turns red to indicate an error. This is treated in the same way as if the processor's configuration is in error; that is, the process cannot run.

Staged Results Views and the Server Console UI

By default, all data that is snapshotted or staged during the execution of a job in the Server Console UI (or using the 'runopsjob' command from the Command Line Interface) is available for view in the Server Console Results Browser by users with the appropriate permissions. This includes any Results Views that you choose to stage in processes that are run in the Job.

However, it is possible to override the visibility of a specific Staged Data set in the Server Console UI using an override setting in a Run Profile.

For more information, see Enterprise Data Quality Online Help.