Publishing Result Views to Staged Data

EDQ can publish (or 'write') top-level Results Views of processors to Staged Data.


'Top-level' here means the first summary view of results. Interim results views that are accessed by drilling down on the top-level results views cannot be published. Data views also cannot be published in this way - data in a process is written to Staged Data using a Writer.

The publishing of Results Views to Staged Data has three purposes:

  • To export Results Views to a target Data Store

  • To use Results View data in further processing (for example in a Lookup)

  • To allow users of the Server Console UI to view selected process results

Published Results Views are written to Staged Data on process execution.

To set up a Results View to be written to Staged Data:

  1. Select the processor in the Canvas to see its results in the Results Browser.
  2. Click Publish icon to publish the Results View to Staged Data. This brings up the Publish Results dialog:
    Publish Results dialog

    Using this dialog, you can:

    • Specify or change the name of the Staged Data set that you want to write to

    • Change the attributes of the Staged Data set to use different attribute names from the generic Results View names that appear on the left

    • Remove attributes from the Staged Data set if there are attributes in the Results View that you do not want to write out

    • Switch the publishing of a Results View on or off without losing the configuration

Note that if the processor outputs multiple top-level Results Views, as in the Frequency Profiler example above, the Publish Results dialog shows multiple tabs, one for each view. You can choose to publish any or all of the processor views.