About Readers

For each Reader in a process, the following option is available:


The Sample option allows you to specify job-specific sampling options. For example, you might have a process that normally runs on millions of records, but you might want to set up a specific job where it will only process some specific records that you want to check, such as for testing purposes.

Specify the required sampling using the option under Sampling, and enable it using the Sample option.

The sampling options available will depend on how the Reader is connected.

For Readers that are connected to real time providers, you can limit the process so that it will finish after a specified number of records using the Count option, or you can run the process for a limited period of time using the Duration option. For example, to run a real time monitoring process for a period of 1 hour only:

Real time Monitoring Process

For Readers that are connected to staged data configurations, you can limit the process so that it runs only on a sample of the defined record set, using the same sampling and filtering options that are available when configuring a Snapshot. For example, to run a process so that it only processes the first 1000 records from a data source:

Filter Configuration

The Sampling Options fields are as follows:

  • All - Sample all records.

  • Count - Sample n records. This will either be the first n records or last n records, depending on the Sampling Order selected.

  • Percentage - Sample n% of the total number of records.

  • Sampling Offset - The number of records after which the sampling should be performed.

  • Sampling Order - Descending (from first record) or Ascending (from last).


    If a Sampling Offset of, for example, 1800 is specified for a record set of 2000, only 200 records can be sampled regardless of the values specified in the Count or Percentage fields.