About Process

The following options are available when running a process, either as part of the Process Execution Preferences, or when running the process as part of a job.

  • Use Intelligent Execution?

    Intelligent Execution means that any processors in the process which have up-to-date results based on the current configuration of the process will not re-generate their results. Processors that do not have up-to-date results are marked with the rerun marker. Intelligent Execution is selected by default. Note that if you choose to sample or filter records in the Reader in a process, all processors will re-execute regardless of the Intelligent Execution setting, as the process will be running on a different set of records.

  • Enable Sort/Filter in Match processors?

    This option means that the specified Sort/Filter enablement settings on any match processors in the process (accessed via the Advanced Options on each match processor) will be performed as part of the process execution. The option is selected by default. When matching large volumes of data, running the Sort/Filter enablement task to allow match results to be reviewed may take a long time, so you may want to defer it by de-selecting this option. For example, if you are exporting matching results externally, you may want to begin exporting the data as soon as the matching process is finished, rather than waiting until the Enable Sort/Filter process has run. You may even want to over-ride the setting altogether if you know that the results of the matching process will not need to be reviewed.

  • Results Drill Down

    This option allows you to choose the level of Results Drill Down that you require.

    • All means that drilldowns will be available for all records that are read in to the process. This is only recommended when you are processing small volumes of data (up to a few thousand records), when you want to ensure that you can find and check the processing of any of the records read into the process.

    • Sample is the default option. This is recommended for most normal runs of a process. With this option selected, a sample of records will be made available for every drilldown generated by the process. This ensures that you can explore results as you will always see some records when drilling down, but ensures that excessive amounts of data are not written out by the process.

    • None means that the process will still produce metrics, but drilldowns to the data will be unavailable. This is recommended if you want the process to run as quickly as possible from source to target, for example, when running data cleansing processes that have already been designed and tested.

  • Publish to Dashboard?

    This option sets whether or not to publish results to the Dashboard. Note that in order to publish results, you first have to enable dashboard publication on one or more audit processors in the process.