About Run Modes

To support the required Execution Types, EDQ provides three different run modes.

If a process has no readers that are connected to real time providers, it always runs in the Normal mode as mentioned below.

If a process has at least one reader that is connected to a real time provider, the mode of execution for a process can be selected from one of the following three options:

Normal mode

In Normal mode, a process runs to completion on a batch of records. The batch of records is defined by the Reader configuration, and any further sampling options that have been set in the process execution preferences or job options.

Prepare mode

Prepare mode is required when a process needs to provide a real time response, but can only do so where the non real time parts of the process have already run; that is, the process has been prepared.

Prepare mode is most commonly used in real time reference matching. In this case, the same process will be scheduled to run in different modes in different jobs - the first job will prepare the process for real time response execution by running all the non real time parts of the process, such as creating all the cluster keys on the reference data to be matched against. The second job will run the process as a real time response process (probably in Interval mode).

Interval mode

In Interval mode, a process may run for a long period of time, (or even continuously), but will write results from processing in a number of intervals. An interval is completed, and a new one started, when either a record or time threshold is reached. If both a record and a time threshold are specified, then a new interval will be started when either of the thresholds is reached.

As Interval mode processes may run for long periods of time, it is important to be able to configure how many intervals of results to keep. This can be defined either by the number of intervals, or by a period of time.

For example, the following options might be set for a real time response process that runs on a continuous basis, starting a new interval every day:

Interval Mode

Browsing Results from processing in Interval mode

When a process is running in Interval mode, you can browse the results of the completed intervals (as long as they are not too old according to the specified options for which intervals to keep).

The Results Browser presents a simple drop-down selection box showing the start and end date and time of each interval. By default, the last completed interval is shown. Select the interval, and browse results:

Interval and Browse Results

If you have the process open when a new set of results becomes available, you will be notified in the status bar:

New Results Available Notification

You can then select these new results using the drop-down selection box.