Dashboard Administration

Dashboard Administration allows an administrator to configure:

  • the users who have access to published results;

  • the way that published results are aggregated, into Summaries, Indexes and Real Time Aggregations; and

  • the way that the status of each item on the Dashboard is calculated

It is also possible to delete items from the Dashboard, and to purge the results of published items.


Deleting an item from the Dashboard does not stop the underlying processor from publishing results in the future. Deleted items will be recreated in the Dashboard when the process next runs with 'Publish to Dashboard' enabled.

See Dashboard Elements for further information on the terms and concepts used in Dashboard Administration.

Accessing Dashboard Administration

To access Dashboard Administration:

  1. Open the Dashboard either from the Launchpad and log in as an administrator, or by right-clicking on a server in EDQ and selecting Display Dashboard.

  2. Click the Administration button on the Dashboard front page.

This will start the Dashboard Administration, a Java Webstart application.

The Dashboard Administration GUI

There are two Views available on the Dashboard Administration GUI - Dashboard and Default Thresholds. These appear in the left-hand column:

  • The Dashboard View allows you to administer all published results.

  • The Default Thresholds View allows you to change the default way in which the status of Dashboard Elements of each type is calculated. The Default Thresholds can be over-ridden for specific Dashboard Elements if required.