Dashboard Elements

The My Dashboard view is comprised of Elements, each of which has a Status derived from the results of the Element.

A Dashboard Element is a line item of data quality information that a user can monitor on the Dashboard. There are four types of Dashboard Element:

  • Indexes - a calculated value derived from a weighted set of Rule Results, tracked over time.

  • Summaries - a summary of the statuses of a number of Rule Results

  • Real Time Aggregations - an aggregation of the results of a Real Time Rule over a specified time period

  • Rule Results - published results from a processor in EDQ

Indexes, Summaries and Real Time Aggregations are three different ways of aggregating Rule Results, which may be generated either in Batch or Real Time.


An index is a type of dashboard element with a single numeric value, representing the aggregated results of a number of measures of data quality (Rule Results). The contributing measures are weighted to form an index across all chosen measures. Indexes are used for trend analysis in data quality, in order to track the data quality in one or many systems over a period of time. See the Dashboard Indexes topic for further information.


A Summary is a type of dashboard element that aggregates a number of Rule Results into a summarized view showing the number of rules of each status (Red, Orange and Green).

Summary dashboard elements are created directly whenever publishing rule results from an EDQ process (where a summary is created summarizing all the rule results that are published from the process), or they may be configured manually by a dashboard administrator. Where configured by an administrator, the Summary may aggregate results from a number of different processes, and if required, across a number of different projects.

Note that unlike all other types of dashboard element, Summaries do not support trend analysis. This is because the Rule Results that comprise the summaries may be changed over time, and may be published at different times.

Real Time Aggregations

A Real Time Aggregation is a type of dashboard element that aggregates a single Real Time Rule Result dashboard element into a set of results for a different (normally longer) time period. Real Time Rule Results are published by processes that run in interval mode - normally continuously running processes. Intervals may be written on a regular basis so that EDQ users can see results on a regular basis - for example every hour, or every 100 records. However, it may be that Executives or other users may want to monitor results on a daily or weekly basis. This can be achieved by configuring a Real Time Aggregation and making this element available to users rather than the underlying Real Time Rule Results.

Rule Results

Rule Results are dashboard elements that directly reflect the results of an EDQ processor that is configured to publish its results to the Dashboard. Rule Results are therefore the most granular (lowest level) type of dashboard element.

Rule Results may be either Periodic (published from batch processes), or Real Time (published from real time processes that run in interval mode). The different types of Rule Results in the Dashboard Elements pane of the Dashboard Administration window are:

  • Periodic Rule Results

  • Real Time Rule Results