Filtering Groups

The Filter Groups area is used to narrow down the groups displayed. Groups can be filtered by:

  • searching for a text value in record attributes; or

  • searching for specific review criteria; or

  • both.

The following table describes the user interface elements in this area:

Item Type Description

Look For

Free-Text Field

Enter the text to search for in the Record attributes.

Search In

Drop-Down Field

Select the Record attribute to search within.

Relationship Attribute

Drop-Down Field

Select the Relationship criteria to search by.


Drop-Down Field

Select the required operator. Most searches will use = (Equals) or <> (Does not equal).

Relationship Value


Select the Relationship Value to search for. Depending on the Relationship Criteria selected, this will either be a drop-down, date selection or free-text field.



Run the filter.



Clear all the filter fields.

Use OR logic


When selected, the records and relationships field filters are run separately, i.e. the groups displayed meet the criteria specified in either. If deselected, the filter results will match all the criteria specified in both records and relationships filter fields. The checkbox is selected by default.

Case Sensitive


Enables case-sensitive filtering of records based on any values set in the free-text fields. Not checked by default.

Exact Match


When checked, only records exactly matching all the filter criteria specified are returned. Not checked by default.

Filtering Examples

To search for an individual by family name:

  1. In the Look For field, enter the family name, for example Williams.

  2. Select Family Name in the Search In drop-down field.

  3. Decide whether to search for the exact name or using case sensitivity, and check or clear the Case Sensitive and Exact Match boxes accordingly.

  4. Click Find. The first group found is displayed in the Records and Relationships areas.

To search for groups by an individual family name and by a Match Rule name:

  1. In the Look For field, enter the family name.

  2. Select Family Name in the Search In drop-down field.

  3. In the Relationship Attribute field, select the Match Rule Name.

  4. Leave the Operator field set to =.

  5. In the Relationship Value field, select the rule name, for example Exact Name, Postcode.

  6. Ensure the Use OR logic box is checked, Check or clear the Case Sensitive and Exact Match boxes as required.

  7. Click Find. The first group found is displayed in the Records and Relationships areas.

  8. Navigate through groups returned using the Group Navigation buttons in the task bar.

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