Match Review Application Window

The Review Application is launched by clicking either:

  • the Launch Review Application in the Title Bar; or

  • any of the links in the areas of the Summary window.


Users are often assigned to review matches by rule, and therefore would click on the required rule in the Rules area. Alternatively, if the number of possible matches is relatively low, they may view all of them by clicking Possible Matches in the Matching Status area.

This window is divided into the following areas:


This table describes the toolbar items:

Filter Groups

The fields in this area are used to search for specific groups using filtering criteria. See Filtering Groups for further information.

Records and Relationships Area

The Records area shows the records within the currently selected Review Group. Records that match are highlighted in yellow, records that are flagged for review are highlighted in mauve, and the currently selected record is always highlighted in blue.

The Relationships area shows the relationships between each record in the group, and indicates where there is a Match or a Possible Match.

So, in the example below, there are three records: R1, R2 and R3. The Relationship area shows that R1 is automatically matched with R2, and that there is a possible match between R1 and R3:

Review Merged Output

The Review Merged Output tab is divided into two areas:

  • Records: The matched records in the currently selected Review Group.

  • Merged Output: How the records will appear when merged.