1.2.2 Server Console

Server Console is designed to be used by typical "Operations Users" in an organization; that is, those users who either do not require or should not have access to the full functionality to the Director UI.

The application can be connected to one or more EDQ servers. For further details, see Managing Server Connections.

Functional Areas

Server Console is divided into the following functional areas:

  • Scheduler - Used to select jobs to run, either as prompted or according to a schedule.

  • Current Tasks - Shows all tasks currently running on the selected server, including those initiated in the Director UI.

  • Event Log - A historic view of all events (i.e. tasks and jobs) on the server, including those executed in Director UI.

  • Results - Shows the staged data and staged results views of all jobs run from Server Console UI, and also the results of jobs run from the Command Line with a run label.

User Profiles

Every user of Server Console may not necessarily need access to all these functional areas. Typical profiles could include:

  • Job User - Runs jobs only. Requires access to Scheduler and Current Tasks.

  • Quality Supervisor - View job results and analyzes issues. Requires access to Current Tasks, Event Log and Results.