
The Scheduler window is used to run one-off instances of jobs and to create or edit job schedules.

The window is divided into three areas:

  • Jobs - lists the jobs (by server, if more than one is available) that the user is authorized to run and schedule.

  • Jobs Details - displays the details of the selected job or jobs.

  • Schedules - lists the scheduled jobs.

Running a One-Off Job

To run a one-off job:

  1. In the Jobs area, locate and double-click on the required job.

  2. In the Job Details area, click the Run button. The Run dialog is displayed.

  3. If available, select the required Run Profiles to override the settings for externalized configuration options in the Job.

  4. Enter a Run Label to store the staged data results for the job against. You can either enter a new label, or select one from the drop-down list. Note: The drop-down list contains the last 100 used Run Labels.

  5. Click OK to run the job.

Scheduling Jobs

The Schedule dialog is used to create and edit schedules for jobs:

Creating a new schedule

To create a new schedule:

  1. In the Jobs area, locate and double-click on the required job.

  2. In the Job Details area, click the Schedule button. The Schedule dialog is displayed.

  3. Select the Schedule type and enter the date and time details (see Schedule Types below).

  4. Select the Run Profiles if required.

  5. Enter a new Run Label, or select one from the drop-down list.

  6. Click OK to save.

Editing a schedule

To edit a schedule:

  1. In the Schedules area, locate and double-click on the required job.

  2. In the Job Details area, click the Schedule button. The Schedule dialog is displayed.

  3. Select the Schedule type and enter the date and time details (see Schedule Types below).

  4. Select the Run Profiles if required.

  5. Enter a new Run Label, or select one from the drop-down list.

  6. Click OK to save.

Deleting a schedule

To delete a schedule:

  1. In the Schedule area, right click on the required schedule.

  2. Select Delete.

  3. In the Delete dialog, click Yes to delete or No to keep the schedule.

Schedule Types

There are five schedule types available:


This option is for setting a job to run once only on a specified time and date.

  1. Select Once on the Schedule dialog.

  2. Enter the date and time required in the Run this job once on field. Either:

  3. Change the day by clicking the up and down arrows on the right of the field:;

  4. Change the day, month or year using the calendar on the right of the window; or

  5. Edit the field manually, in the format shown: dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm.


This option is for scheduling a job to run once a day, either every day or at intervals of a specified number of days (for example, every third day or every tenth day).

  1. Select Daily on the Schedule dialog.

  2. In the Every field, enter the schedule frequency; for example, 1 - the job runs every day, 3 - the job runs every third day, and so on.

  3. In the Server Time field, enter the time of day at which the job will run, in 24hr format.

  4. In the Start Date field, enter the date of the first day of the schedule. To do this, either select the required date from the calendar on the right of the screen, or manually edit the field in the format dd-MMM-yyyy.


This option is for scheduling a job on a weekly basis.

  1. Select Weekly on the Schedule dialog.

  2. In the Every area, check each day of the week on which the job will run. You can select any number of combination of days.

  3. In the Server Time field, select the time at which the job will run, in 24hr format.

  4. In the Start Date field, enter the date of the first day of the schedule. To do this, either select the required date from the calendar on the right of the screen, or manually edit the field in the form dd-MMM-yyyy. Alternatively, to run the job on the first specified day of the week, clear the check box to disable the Start Date field.


This option is for scheduling a job on a specific day of a month.

  1. Select Monthly on the Schedule dialog.

  2. In the On drop-down list, select the day of the month.

  3. In the Server Time field, select the time at which the job will run, in 24hr format.

  4. Weekends are included in the schedule by default; that is, if the date selected falls on a weekend, the job will run as scheduled. To exclude weekends, check the Exclude Weekends field.

  5. In the Start Date field, enter the date of the first day of the schedule. To do this, either select the required date from the calendar on the right of the screen, or manually edit the field in the form dd-MMM-yyyy. Alternatively, to run the job on the first occurrence of the specified day of the month, clear the check box to disable the Start Date field.


This option sets the selected job to run whenever the server is started up.