Run Label

Run Labels are used to store results separately, where the same job is run several times either on different data sets, with different configuration options specified using Run Profiles, or simply at different times (for example, on a monthly schedule).

Run Labels are used in the Server Console application. The staged data results from a job are written out and stored by Run Label, and Server Console users can navigate through the Results in the Results window.

When running jobs in the Server Console UI, a Run Label must be specified. If a previously used Run Label is reused for the same job, the previously written results for that Job and Run Label combination will be overwritten.

Run Labels are not used when running jobs interactively in the Director UI. Results from these interactively run jobs are not visible in the Server Console UI, as they are assumed to be run during project design and testing rather than in production.

This also means that a results book export in a job will produce expected results when run from Director without a run label but when the same job is run using a run label then no results are exported as results book data is not generated when a run label is used. The 'results' that are not visible when run labels are used include things such as drilldowns and results books.