4 Migrating to Identity Directory API
4.1 Overview of Migrating to Identity Directory API
The Identity Directory API allows applications to access identity information (users and other entities) in a uniform and portable manner. If you have an application that uses the User and Role API, then you can migrate it to use Identity Directory API.
The Identity Directory API also picks up the LDAP-based identity store confirmation from the jps-config file. As such, when migrating an application from the User and Role API to the Identity Directory API you do not need to change the configuration in the jps-config file.
Applications that initialize the User and Role API with a programmatic configuration can use a similar method to initialize the Identity Directory API, as described in Initializing and Obtaining In-Memory Identity Directory Handle.
4.2 Migrating the Application to Identity Directory API
You need to implement some code changes while migrating an application from the User and Role API to the Identity Directory API.
The following topics describe the code changes needed while migration:
4.2.1 Initializing API
All applications must initialize the API to obtain the Identity Directory handle. The program should perform the initialization only once. Use the sample code to initialize an API.
The process of initializing is similar to using IdentityStoreService.GetIdmStore()
for getting oracle.security.idm.IdentityStore
handle. Identity Directory Service uses IdentityStoreService.getIdentityStore()
to get IdentityDirectory
handle. For example:
import oracle.igf.ids.IdentityDirectory; import oracle.igf.ids.IDSException; import oracle.security.jps.JpsContext; import oracle.security.jps.JpsContextFactory; import oracle.security.jps.service.idstore.IdentityStoreService; // Get IdentityDirectory from JpsContext JpsContext context = JpsContextFactory.getContextFactory().getContext(); IdentityStoreService idstore = (IdentityStoreService) context.getServiceInstance(IdentityStoreService.class); Identity Directory ids = idstore.getIdentityStore();
4.2.2 Getting UserManager and GroupManager Handle
All operations on a user instance are handled by a user manager and all operations on a group are handled by a group manager. Use the sample code to perform CRUD operations on users and groups instance respectively.
User related CRUD operations can be performed with oracle.igf.ids.UserManager
and Role related CRUD operations can be performed with oracle.igf.ids.GroupManager
. UserManager
and GroupManager
handles can be obtained from IdentityDirectory
object. For example:
import oracle.igf.ids.UserManager; import oracle.igf.ids.GroupManager; // Get UserManager and GroupManager handles UserManager uMgr = ids.getUserManager(); GroupManager gMgr = ids.getGroupManager();
4.2.3 Searching Filter
You can create simple or complex search filter to be used in searching the identity repository. Use the sample code to facilitate a variety of search operations.
You can build a simple or complex search filter using oracle.igf.ids.SearchFilter
. For example:
import oracle.igf.ids.SearchFilter; // Simple search filter for (firstname equals "john") SearchFilter filter1 = new SearchFilter("firstname", SearchFilter.Operator.EQUALS, "john"); // Complex search filter for ((title contains "manager") and (org equals "amer")) or ((title contains "senior manager") and (org equals "apac")) SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter( SearchFilter.LogicalOp.OR, new SearchFilter(SearchFilter.LogicalOp.AND, new SearchFilter("manager", SearchFilter.Operator.CONTAINS, "manager"), new SearchFilter("org", SearchFilter.Operator.EQUALS, "amer")), new SearchFilter(SearchFilter.LogicalOp.AND, new SearchFilter("manager", SearchFilter.Operator.CONTAINS, "senior manager"), new SearchFilter("org", SearchFilter.Operator.EQUALS, "apac")));
4.2.4 Performing CRUD Operations
You can perform Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operations on User, Group, Org, and generic entities. This requires that the CRUD APIs be implemented for use in the applications.
The following topics describes these CRUD operations: APIs to Find a User
The following APIs are used for finding a user:
Get user for given
identifier. For example:User getUser(Principal principal, ReadOptions opts)
Search for user matching given
attribute value that uniquely identifies the user. For example:User searchUser(String id, ReadOptions opts)
Finds user matching given attribute name and value. For example:
User searchUser(String attrName, String attrVal, ReadOptions opts)
Search for user matching given GUID value that uniquely identifies the user. For example:
searchUserByGuid(String guid, ReadOptions opts) APIs to Search a User
The following is an example of the API for searching a user.
ResultSet<User> searchUsers(SearchFilter filter, SearchOptions opts) APIs to Create a User
You can create a user using an API.
The following is an example of the API for creating a user.
Principal createUser(List<Attribute> attrVals, CreateOptions opts) APIs to Delete a User
You can delete a user using an API.
The following are examples of the API for deleting a user.
Delete the user given the
identifier.void deleteUser(Principal principal, DeleteOptions opts)
Delete the user given the
attribute value.void deleteUser(String id, DeleteOptions opts) APIs to Authenticate a User
It is a common mechanism to authenticate users via an API.
The following are examples of the API for user authentication.
Authenticate the user matching the given
attribute value.User authenticateUser(String id, char[] password, ReadOptions opts)
Authenticate the user for given
identifier.boolean authenticateUser(Principal principal, char[] password) APIs to Modify Users and Manage Related Entities
The APIs for modifying user attributes and for getting the related entities are in User
object instead of UserManager
Modifying a User
The following are examples of the API for modifying a user.
Modify user attributes.
void User.modify(List<ModAttribute> attrVals, ModifyOptions opts)
Set the user attribute value.
void User.setAttributeValue(String attrName, String attrVal, ModifyOptions opts)
Managing Related Entities
The following are examples of the APIs for managing entities.
Get the management chain.
ResultSet<User> getManagementChain(int nLevels, SearchOptions opts)
Check if the given user is manager of this user.
boolean isManager(User user, boolean direct, ReadOptions opts)
Check if the given user is manager of this user.
boolean isManager(User user, boolean direct, ReadOptions opts)
Set the given user as manager of this user.
void setManager(User user, ModifyOptions opts)
Get all the reportees of this user.
ResultSet<User> getReportees(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts)
Get all the groups this user is a member of and matching the given filter criteria.
ResultSet<Group> getMemberOfGroups(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts)
Check if this user is a member of the given group.
boolean isMemberOf(Group group, boolean direct, ReadOptions opts)
Add this user as a member to given group.
void addMemberOf(Group group, ModifyOptions opts)
Delete this user as a member to given group.
void deleteMemberOf(Group group, ModifyOptions opts)
4.3 Understanding the Comparison Between User and Role API With IDS API
It is essential that you understand the mapping between the User and Role API and Identity Directory API before implementing the change in your application.
The following topics describe the differences:
4.3.1 Comparison of User-Related APIs With Identity Directory APIs
You must understand the mapping between the endpoints for the User API with those in the Identity Directory API.
The following table maps the User-related API method with its corresponding Identity Directory API method.
Functionality | User/Role API Method | Identity Directory Service Method |
User Creation |
User UserManager.createUser(String name, char[] password) User UserManager.createUser(String name, char[] password, PropertySet pset) |
Principal UserManager.createUser(List<Attribute> attrVals, CreateOptions opts) |
Delete User |
void UserManager.dropUser(UserProfile user) void UserManager.dropUser(User user); |
void UserManager.deleteUser(Principal principal, DeleteOptions opts) void UserManager.deleteUser(String id, DeleteOptions opts) |
Authenticate User |
User UserManager.authenticateUser(String user_id, char[] passwd) User UserManager.authenticateUser(User user, char[] passwd) User UserManager.authenticateUser(String user_id, String authProperty, char[] passwd) |
User UserManager.authenticateUser(String id, char[] password, ReadOptions opts) boolean UserManager.authenticateUser(Principal principal, char[] password) |
Check if create User is supported |
boolean UserManager.isCreateUserSupported() |
boolean UserManager.getCapabilities().isCreateCapable() |
Check if modify User is supported |
boolean UserManager.isModifyUserSupported() |
boolean UserManager.getCapabilities().isUpdateCapable() |
Check if drop User is supported |
boolean UserManager.isDropUserSupported() |
boolean UserManager.getCapabilities().isDeleteCapable() |
Search Users by given search criteria |
SearchResponse IdentityStore.searchUsers(SearchParameters params) |
ResultSet<User> UserManager.searchUsers(SearchFilter filter, SearchOptions opts) |
Search an User by name/uniquename /guid |
User IdentityStore.searchUser(String name) |
User UserManager.searchUser(String id, ReadOptions opts) User UserManager.searchUser(String attrName, String attrVal, ReadOptions opts) |
Check if User exists in the repository for a given User object |
boolean IdentityStore.exists (User user) |
User.getPrincipal() if the following method returns null user doesn't exist; otherwise exists User getUser(Principal principal, ReadOptions opts) |
Simple search filter (search based on a single attribute name, type and value) |
SimpleSearchFilter |
SearchFilter(String propertyName, Operator op, String propertyVal) |
Complex Search Filter (search based on more than one attribute with filter conditions and nested filters) |
ComplextSearchFilter |
SearchFilter(LogicalOp op, SearchFilter... searchFilters) |
Getting a property value for a given property name |
String User.getPropertyVal(String propName) (User Role API fetches the attribute values from cache. If it misses cache, it fetches from repository) |
String User.getAttributeValue(String attrName) Limitation: Returns attribute values from User object that has been already fetched from the repository. |
Getting the User property for a given property name |
Property User.getProperty(String propName) |
Attribute User.getAttribute(String attrName) |
Getting the user properties for a given set of property names |
Map User.getProperties() |
Map<String, Attribute> User.getAllAttributes() |
Get all user properties from the repository for a user |
PropertySet User.getAllUserProperties() |
Map<String, Attribute> User.getAllAttributes() |
Get all user property names from the schema |
List IdentityStore.getUserPropertyNames() Returns the names of all the properties in the schema |
List<String> UserManager.getEntityAttributes() |
Changing the attribute value in the repository of an user |
void User.setProperty(ModProperty mprop) |
void User.setAttributeValue(String attrName, String attrVal, ModifyOptions opts) |
Changing the set of attribute values in the repository for an user |
void User.setProperties(ModProperty[] modPropObjs) void User.setProperties(LdapContext ctx, ModProperty[] modPropObjs) |
void User.modify(List<ModAttribute> attrVals, ModifyOptions opts) |
Get all the reportees of an User either direct or indirect |
SearchResponse User.getReportees(boolean direct) |
ResultSet<User> User.getReportees(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) |
Get Management chain of an user |
List User.getManagementChain(int max, String upToManagerName, String upToTitle) |
ResultSet<User> User.getManagementChain(int nLevels, SearchOptions opts) List<User> User.getManagementChain(int nLevels, String manager, String title, SearchOptions opts) |
Get/Set of Binary Attributes |
Available Property in User/Role API supports binary attributes byte[] user.getJPEGPhoto() void user.setJPEGPhoto(String imgpath) |
Returns base64 encoded value While setting the value either base64 encoded value or byte[] can be used for creating ModAttribute. |
Selecting the Realm |
Available env.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_SUBSCRIBER_NAME, "<realm dn>"); IdentityStoreFactory.getIdentityStoreInstance(env); |
This is part of IDS Operational configuration. At API level searchbase and createbase can be specified as well. |
4.3.2 Comparison of Role-Related APIs With Identity Directory APIs
You must understand the mapping between the endpoints for the User/Role API with those in the Identity Directory API.
The following table maps the Role-related API method with its corresponding Identity Directory API method.
Functionality | User/Role API Method | Identity Directory Service Method |
Creating a Role |
Role RoleManager.createRole(String name, int scope) Role RoleManager.createRole(String name) |
Principal GroupManager.createGroup(List<Attribute> attrVals, CreateOptions opts) |
Deleting a Role |
void RoleManager.dropRole(RoleProfile role) void RoleManager.dropRole(Role role) |
void GroupManager.deleteGroup(Principal principal, DeleteOptions opts) |
Check if create role is supported |
boolean RoleManager.isCreateRoleSupported() |
boolean GroupManager.getCapabilities().isCreateCapable() |
Check if modify role is supported |
boolean RoleManager.isModifyRoleSupported() |
boolean GroupManager.getCapabilities().isUpdateCapable() |
Check if delete role is supported |
boolean RoleManager.isDropRoleSupported() |
boolean GroupManager.getCapabilities().isDeleteCapable() |
Is the Group owned by a User |
boolean RoleManager.isGranted(Role parent, Principal principal) |
boolean Group.isMember(User user, boolean direct, ReadOptions opts) boolean User.isMemberOf(Group group, boolean direct, ReadOptions opts) |
Is the Group owned by a User |
boolean RoleManager.isOwnedBy(Role parent, Principal principal) |
boolean User.isOwnerOf(Group group, boolean direct, ReadOptions opts) |
Is the group managed by a User |
boolean RoleManager.isManagedBy(Role parent, Principal principal) |
Not supported |
Get all the members of a Role either direct / indirect |
SearchResponse Role.getGrantees(SearchFilter filter, boolean direct) |
ResultSet<User> Group.getMembers(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) |
Add an user as a member to a role |
void RoleManager.grantRole(Role parent, Principal principal) |
void Group.addMember(User user, ModifyOptions opts) |
Remove a user from being member of a role |
void RoleManager.revokeRole(Role parent, Principal principal) |
void Group.deleteMember(User user, ModifyOptions opts) |
Get all the owners of a specific Role either direct / indirect |
SearchResponse Role.getOwners(SearchFilter filter, boolean direct) SearchResponse Role.getOwners(SearchFilter filter) |
ResultSet<User> Group.getOwners(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) |
Add a user as a owner of a role |
void Role.addOwner(Principal principal) |
void Group.addOwner(User user, ModifyOptions opts) |
Remove a user from being a owner of a Role |
void Role.removeOwner(Principal principal) |
void Group.deleteOwner(User user, ModifyOptions opts) |
Get all the managers of a Role either direct / indirect |
SearchResponse Role.getManagers(SearchFilter filter, boolean direct) SearchResponse Role.getManagers(SearchFilter filter) |
Not Supported |
Add a user as a manager of a Role |
void Role.addManager(Principal principal) |
Not Supported |
Remove a user from being manager of a Role |
void Role.removeManager(Principal principal) |
Not Supported |
Getting the role property |
Property Role.getProperty(String propName) Note: User Role API fetches these attribute values from cache. If it misses cache, it fetches from repository. |
Attribute Group.getAttribute(String attrName) |
Determine the Role Type |
Role.isApplicationRole Role.isEnterpriseRole Role.isSeeded |
Not Supported |
Search Roles for a given search criteria |
SearchResponse IdentityStore.searchRoles(int scope, SearchParameters params) |
ResultSet<Group> GroupManager.searchGroups(SearchFilter filter, SearchOptions opts) |
Search a Role by name/uniquename /guid |
Role IdentityStore.searchRole(int searchType, String value) |
Group searchGroup(String id, ReadOptions opts) Group searchGroup(String attrName, String attrVal, ReadOptions opts) |
Search both User and Roles for a given filter |
SearchResponse IdentityStore.search(SearchParameters params) |
Available through separate methods: UserManager.searchUsers GroupManager.searchGroups |
Get all the roles assigned to user/group |
SearchResponse getGrantedRoles(Principal principal, boolean direct) |
ResultSet<Group> User.getMemberOfGroups(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) ResultSet<Group> Group.getMemberOfGroups(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) |
Get all the roles owned by user/group |
SearchResponse getOwnedRoles(Principal principal, boolean direct) |
ResultSet<Group> User.getOwnedGroups(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) ResultSet<Group> Group.getOwnedGroups(int nLevels, SearchFilter targetFilter, SearchOptions opts) |
Get all the roles managed by user/group |
SearchResponse getManagedRoles(Principal principal, boolean direct) |
Not supported |
4.4 Moving From a Test to a Production Environment
Moving from one environment to another, especially from a test environment to production environment, provides you the flexibility to test applications in a test environment and then roll them out in the production environment.
The following topics describe the Identity Directory Service/libOVD properties that you need to modify while moving from a test environment to production environment:
4.4.1 Overview of Moving Between Environments
You can move Identity Directory Service/libOVD to a new environment or from a test to a production environment. Moving Identity Directory Service/libOVD installation diminishes the amount of work that would otherwise be required to reapply all the customization and configuration changes made in one environment to another.
You can install, configure, customize, and validate Identity Directory Service/libOVD in a test environment. Once the system is stable and performs as required, you can create the production environment by moving a copy of the server and its configuration from the test environment, instead of redoing all the changes that were incorporated into the test environment.
4.4.2 Modifying Identity Directory Service/libOVD Move Plan
A move plan contains configuration settings of the source environment. You can customize the move plan settings for Oracle Fusion Middleware entities and components.
When you move between environments, you run the extractMovePlan script to create a move plan for the entity that you are moving. The extractMovePlan script extracts configuration information from the archive into a move plan. It also extracts any needed configuration plans. Before you apply the archive to the target, you must edit the move plan to reflect the values of the target environment.
You can modify properties with the scope of READ_WRITE. Do not modify the properties with the scope of READ_ONLY. For a comprehensive description and the procedure to follow for moving between environments, see About Changing the Network Configuration in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.
This section contains the following topics: Locating Identity Directory Service/libOVD configGroup Elements
Move plans usually contain multiple configGroup elements. When a property is associated with a particular configGroup element, the tables listing the properties group the properties by configGroup element.
To locate Identity Directory Service/libOVD ConfigGroup, in the generated move plan, you must look for <type>LIBOVD_ADAPTERS</type>
. This tag provides comprehensive information about the libOVD adapter properties that you might have to update. A property is associated with a particular configGroup element.
Each adapter is represented by a configProperty id tag of the form:
Consider the following example: "LDAP:ids:myOID"
Table 4-1 shows the properties for the move plan for libOVD.
The following example shows a section of the move plan for Identity Directory Service/libOVD, with portion of the LIBOVD_ADAPTERS
configGroup elements:
<configGroup> <type>LIBOVD_ADAPTERS</type> <configProperty id="LDAP:ids:myOID"> <configProperty> <name>Context Name</name> <value>ids</value> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <scope>READ_ONLY</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> <configProperty> <name>Adapter Name</name> <value>myOID</value> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <scope>READ_ONLY</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> <configProperty> <name>LDAP URL</name> <value>ldap://hostname:1389</value> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <scope>READ_WRITE</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> <configProperty> <name>LDAP Host Read Only</name> <value>false</value> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <scope>READ_WRITE</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> <configProperty> <name>LDAP Host Percentage</name> <value>100</value> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <scope>READ_WRITE</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> <configProperty> <name>DN</name> <value>cn=orcladmin</value> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <scope>READ_WRITE</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> <configProperty> <name>Password File</name> <value/> <itemMetadata> <dataType>STRING</dataType> <password>true</password> <scope>READ_WRITE</scope> </itemMetadata> </configProperty> </configProperty> </configGroup> Properties to Customize for Identity Directory Service/libOVD Move Plan
You can customize the properties of a move plan.
Table 4-1 describes the move plan properties you can customize for Identity Directory Service/libOVD adapter.
Table 4-1 Move Plan Properties for libOVD
Property | Description | Sample Value |
Context Name |
The libOVD context to use with which the adapter is associated. This is a read-only property. |
Adapter Name |
The name of the adapter. This is a read-only property. |
The LDAP URL value for the adapter in the form of ldap://host:port. This is a read-write property. |
DN |
The DN of the user to connect to the backend LDAP. This is a read-write property. |
Password File |
The absolute path to the secure file containing the password of the user. This is a read-write property. |
LDAP Host Read Only |
The flag indicating if the given host is read only. The default value is |
LDAP Host Percentage |
It specifies the load percentage value for the given LADAP host. The default value is |
4.5 Tuning Configuration Parameters for IDS
Tuning is the adjustment or modification of parameters to meet specific deployment requirements. The default IDS configuration must be tuned for your deployment scenario.
You must review the requirements and recommendations in this section carefully.
This section contains the following topics:
4.5.1 Configuration Parameters for IDS
You can use configuration parameters to tune performance and to balance memory requirements for a real-time deployment scenario. Tuning these parameters based on your requirements can greatly enhance the scalability characteristics of an application.
Table 4-2 lists the configuration parameters for IDS that require tuning for real deployment scenarios.
Table 4-2 Configuration Parameters for IDS
Parameter | Description |
The initial number of LDAP connections created when the LDAP connection pool is set up. |
The maximum number of LDAP connections allowed in the LDAP connection pool. Note: If a deployment has numerous concurrent requests coming in, then you must set this value appropriately to prevent running out of connections or waiting for a connection during an operation. |
These parameters determine the waiting time for free LDAP connection when all the LDAP connections in the connection pool are in use. IDS waits for |
This is the timer interval (in seconds) used by the LDAP connection pool cleanup timer. The LDAP connection pool cleanup timer runs using this timer interval to perform pool cleanup tasks like shrinking the connection pool based on the idle connection if needed. |
This specifies the maximum idle time for an LDAP connection. In an LDAP connection remains idle for this amount of time, it will be closed when the next LDAP connection pool cleanup timer runs. |
The amount of time in milliseconds IDS waits for an LDAP request to be acknowledged by the LDAP remote host. |
This specifies the LDAP connection timeout duration in milli seconds. If a connection cannot be established in this period, then the connection attempt is aborted. |
This is the interval in seconds to check the availability of backend LDAP. |
This parameters set |
This specifies the maximum time any connection can potentially be reused after which the pool removes and closes a connection. The value is specified in seconds. |
This specifies the time duration in seconds that a borrowed connection can remain unused before it is automatically reclaimed by the pool. |
This specifies the protocol versions supported by IDS. |
4.5.2 WLST Commands to Set Tuning Parameters Using File-Based Configuration
The configuration information is stored in an XML file. You must use the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) to modify the tuning parameters using the file-based configuration.
You use the following WLST commands to configure the tuning parameters:
In all the WLST command examples in this section, ADAPTER_NAME
refers to the name of the IDS repository. For instance, the libOVD adapter name.
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='InitialPoolSize', value=10, contextName='ids')
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='MaxPoolSize', value=100, contextName='ids')
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='MaxPoolWait', value=1000, contextName='ids') modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='MaxPoolChecks', value=10, contextName='ids')
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='PoolCleanupInterval', value=300, contextName='ids')
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='MaxPoolConnectionIdleTime', value=3600, contextName='ids')
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='OperationTimeout', value=120000, contextName='ids')
modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='ConnectTimeout', value=10000, contextName='ids')
:modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='HeartBeatInterval', value=60, contextName='ids')
:modifySocketOptions(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', reuseAddress=false, keepAlive=false, tcpNoDelay=true, readTimeout=1800, contextName='ids')
modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='MaxPoolConnectionReuseTime', value=3600, contextName='ids')
modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='PoolConnectionReclaimTime', value=180, contextName='ids')
modifyLDAPAdapter(adapterName='ADAPTER_NAME', attribute='Protocols', value='TLSv1.2', contextName='ids')
You must run the activateLibOVDConfigChanges('ids')
WLST command or restart the WebLogic server for configuration changes to take effect.
4.5.3 Constants to Set Tuning Parameters Using In-Memory Configuration
Use the constants to configure the tuning parameters using in-memory configuration.
The configuration information is stored by the IDS consumer and is passed during run-time to IDS by invoking the IdentityStoreConfig
class. For more information about using the class and its properties, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Identity Governance Framework Identity Directory.
You can modify the following configuration parameters using the Java API class:
Table 4-3 Field Name for Configuration Parameters
Parameter | Field Name to Modify |
InitialPoolSize |
MaxPoolSize |
MaxPoolWait MaxPoolChecks |
PoolCleanupInterval |
MaxPoolConnectionIdleTime |
OperationTimeout |
ConnectTimeout |
HeartbeatInterval |
SocketOptions |
MaxPoolConnectionReuseTime |
PoolConnectionReclaimTime |
4.5.4 Handling Firewall and Load Balancer Timeout Errors
It is imperative to set up timeout on firewalls and load balancers to improve the communication process. It helps to detect issues in a distributed system.
SocketOptions setting helps detect and safely close orphan socket connections caused by remote server failure. TCP waits for the configured duration of time for a response from the remote server before closing the socket. However, when there is a firewall or a Load Balancer between libOVD and the backend LDAP, then you must set the readTimeout
value in the SocketOptions appropriately to prevent timeout errors. It is recommended that you set this value to a value which is less than the firewall or the Load Balancer timeout.
4.5.5 Configuring TLS Protocol Versions and Cipher Suites for Secure Connections
You can configure TLS protocol version and cipher suites using the WLST commands for the underlying libOVD adapter.
Use the modifyLDAPAdapter
WLST command to configure the TLS protocol version for the underlying libOVD adapter. See modifyLDAPAdapter in Oracle® Fusion Middleware WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Security.
You can configure the cipher suites by using the addCipherSuite and removeCipherSuite WLST commands respectively for the underlying libOVD adapter. See addCipherSuite and removeCipherSuite in Oracle® Fusion Middleware WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Security.
4.6 Allowing Pass-through Attributes in IDS
In IDS while executing the Search or Update operation, you need to define every attribute that is used by IDS APIs in the entity definition. However, Identity Directory allows you to dynamically add attributes on runtime. These are referred to as the pass-through attributes.
In certain scenarios attributes are specified dynamically. In other words, they could be used in requested attributes or filters without being defined in the entity definition. The pass-through feature implements this usage and does not throw any exception.