Add Users, Groups, and Roles

Use the Add Users, Groups, and Roles dialog to add users, groups, and roles to the list of who can access transferred files. How?

This dialog appears when you select add users, groups, and roles in the Transfer tab.

Element Description

User, Role, Group

Selects a category: User, Role, or Group.


Finds a user, role, or group containing the text. You must type at least three letters. Any matches are displayed below the Search field. Click the match you want to add.

Add to List

Adds the user, role, or group selected in Search to the Selected Users, Groups, and Roles list.

Selected Users, Groups, and Roles

Lists the selected users, roles, and groups. To delete a user, role, or group, click trashcan icon to the right of it.

Add Users

Confirms adding the users, roles, or groups.


Cancels adding the users, roles, or groups.

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