
Use the Transfer tab to configure a new transfer or edit an existing transfer. How?

The Transfer tab is arranged in the following sections:

General Information

The General Information section of the Transfer tab allows you to export, save, deploy, and view information about the transfer based on user roles - file handlers, designers, monitors, and administrators.

Element Description


Exports the transfer configuration to a file, which you can import later. See Import/Export.

For more information, see Importing and Exporting Transfers.


Saves the transfer without deploying it. Remember to save before closing this tab.


Deploys and activates the transfer. You must save the transfer with a source and at least one target added before you can deploy it. You must re-save before you can redeploy. The configuration must be valid or deployment fails.

The Deploy Transfer dialog appears, prompting you for an optional comment. The associated source and targets are listed according to these criteria:

  • If they have been modified since the last deployment, they are listed under Will Not Be Deployed.

  • If they have been saved but not deployed, they are listed under Will Be Deployed.

  • If they do not appear on either list, they haven't been saved for the first time.

Click the Deploy or Cancel button in the dialog. The Deploy action in the tab is grayed with a green check to show successful deployment. For more information, see Deploying and Testing Transfers

To view information about deployed artifacts, click the Show Deployment Details button on the Artifacts Search tab, or view the Deployments tab on the Monitoring page.


Specifies the priority for message processing and transfer of payload: High, Medium or Low.

This is based on the associated transfer where messages are categorized in the order - High, Medium and Low.

Transfer priority is also applied to source and target.


Reverts all changes since the last save.

General Information

Click the arrow to the left to display read-only transfer information, including name, last user to update, last update date and time, and last deployment date and time.


Allows you to add or edit the artifact description. This description is for all deployments of the artifact and is visible in the Artifacts Search tab.

The Deploy dialog also allows you to enter a description, which is specific to a particular deployment label and is visible in the Deployments tab on the Monitoring page.


Sets the transfer priority to Low, Medium (default), or High.


The Source section of the Transfer tab allows you create, add, or view information about the source of the transfer.

Element Description

Create source

Create a source and add it to the transfer. For more information, see Create Source.

Add source

Drag and drop or select a source to add it to the transfer.

Source Name

Click the arrow to the left of the source name to display read-only information about the source, including the type, location, and any source-specific schedule or processing actions.

To edit the source, right-click the name and select Open or click the Edit icon located in the source name tool bar.

To remove the source from the transfer, right-click on the name and select Delete, or click trashcan icon to the right of the name, or click the Remove icon located in the source name tool bar.

Source-side schedule and processing actions affect all file deliveries for this transfer. These apply to all targets in addition to any target-side schedule and processing actions defined at the transfer level.

Source-specific actions do not appear on the transfer page if you add them after the opening the transfer. To display them, close and reopen the transfer.

Source Schedule



Click the arrow to the left to display information about when the source is checked for files to be transferred. Source schedule settings affect all transfers that use the source.

Specifies the frequency in seconds at which the source is checked for files to be transferred.

Specifies the Event check box, if enabled, allows you to execute transfers through a SOAP/REST service.

Content Filters

The Content Filters section of the Transfer tab allows you to define filters for which files to include in the transfer based on file names and extensions.

Element Description

Content Filters

Click the arrow to the left to display file name filters. If no filters are defined, all files from the source are transferred. The filter pattern is for file names only. Filtering on directory names is not supported.

Wildcard or Regular Expression

Specifies how the filter string is interpreted: Wildcard (the default) or Regular Expression.

If you selected Wildcard, use * as a wildcard. For example, *.xml specifies that XML files are transferred. To specify text or XML files, you can use *.(xml|XML|txt|TXT). For example, File = "TXT-20200505-XXXX.txt" where XXXX can be any four successive digits.

For more information about regular expressions, see The Java Tutorials: Regular Expressions.

add filter

Adds a file name filter to the transfer.

Use the up and down arrows to the right of each filter to change the filter order. Lower numbered filters are performed first.

To delete a filter, click the Trashcan icon to the right of the filter.

You can also specify files to include or exclude in the Source tab. These are executed before transfer filters. Coordinate your sources and transfers accordingly.

Payload Access

The Payload Access section of the Transfer tab allows you to determine who can access transferred files. For more information see, Granting Payload Access

Element Description

Payload Access

Click the arrow to the left to display user, group, and role information.

Add users, groups, and roles

Adds users, groups, and roles to the list of who can access transferred files. For more information, see Add Users, Groups, and Roles.

User, Group, or Role Names

Lists the users, groups, and roles already granted access to transferred files. To delete a user, group, or role from the list, click Trashcan icon to the right of it.


The Targets section of the Transfer tab allows you to create, add, change settings for, or view information about the targets of the transfer.

Element Description

create target

Create a target and add it to the transfer. For more information, see Create Target.

add target

Drag and drop or select a target to add it to the transfer.

Target Name

Click the arrow to the left of the target name to display additional information, settings, and actions for the target. The settings displayed depend on the target type.

To edit the target, right-click the name and select Open or click the Edit icon located in the source name tool bar.

To remove the target from the transfer, right-click on the name and select Delete, or click trashcan icon to the right of the name, or click the Remove icon located in the source name tool bar.


Adds a transfer-specific subfolder to the target location. Enter a folder name. Applies if the target type is File, FTP Remote, or sFTP Remote.

Delivery Preferences

Click the arrow to the left to display delivery settings. Applies if the target type is B2B, Healthcare, SOAP, SOA, Service Bus, or ODI.

Delivery Method

Specifies the delivery method: Inline or Reference (default). If Inline, the actual file is sent. If Reference, a link to the file is sent.

Reference Type

Specifies the reference type: FTP (default), File, or sFTP. Embedded?

Max Inline Size

Specifies the maximum size in bytes for inline deliveries. If the payload exceeds the given Inline value, then Delivery Method - Reference is used at runtime.

add schedule

Adds a transfer schedule defined by frequency, start date, and optional duration. A target-side schedule defined at the transfer level affects only file deliveries to that particular target. Applies if the target type is File, FTP Remote, or sFTP Remote. For more information, see Scheduler.

add pre-processing actions

Allows you to add preprocessing actions such as compress, decompress, encrypt, decrypt, find and replace texts, callouts (custom action) or new line character conversion. A target-side action defined at the transfer level affects only file deliveries to that particular target. For more information, see Pre-Processing Actions.

add post-processing actions

Allows you to decompress transferred files. Applies only if the target type is File. A target-side action defined at the transfer level affects only file deliveries to that particular target. For more information, see Post-Processing Actions.

Related Topics

Configuring a Transfer in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer