Pre-Processing Actions

Use the Pre-Processing Actions dialog to process the transferred file before the transfer. How? This includes source processing and transfer preprocessing.

This dialog appears when you:

  • Select add processing actions in the Source tab

  • Select add preprocessing actions in the Transfer tab


If you add the same preprocessing action to a source and a transfer that uses the source, the action is performed twice. For example, if you add compression to the source and the transfer, the transferred file is compressed twice. Coordinate your sources and transfers accordingly.

Multiple file preprocessing decompression is only supported for the target types SOAP, SOA, Service Bus, and ODI. For other target types, a preprocessing decompression error occurs if a compressed file has multiple entries.

Element Description

All Actions

Selects an action: Compress, Decompress, PGP Encryption, PGP Decryption, Find and Replace, Callouts (custom action), Run Script or New line conversion.

Add to List

Adds the action selected in All Actions to the Selected Actions list.

Selected Actions

Lists the selected actions and their settings. To edit action settings, select the action. To delete an action, click the trashcan icon to the right of it.


Adds the actions to the Source or Transfer tab. You still need to Save the source or transfer to add the actions permanently.


Cancels adding the actions.

PGP Encryption action

Specify the required PGP encryption actions.


Specifies how encryption is armored: Binary or ASCII. Use ASCII if non-printing characters need to be stripped in transit.

Encryption Alias

Specifies the public PGP key alias for encryption. You cannot use PGP encryption if no key alias has been defined. For more information, see Configuring the PGP Keystore.

Encryption algorithm

Specifies the algorithm for encryption. The current default value is set to "Default". In FIPS mode, when MBean property - pgpEncryptionAlgorithm is not defined, then the default algorithm is set to AES 256. Supported algorithms are:

  • AES 128

  • AES 192

  • AES 256

In non-FIPS mode, when MBean property - pgpEncryptionAlgorithm is not defined, then the default algorithm is set to CAST5. Supported algorithms are:

  • Triple DES

  • Cast5

  • Blowfish

  • DES

  • AES 192

  • AES 128

  • AES 256

  • Twofish

Signing key alias

Specifies the private PGP key alias for signing the payload.

Decryption action

Specify the required decryption actions.

Decryption Alias

Specifies the private PGP key alias for decryption. You cannot use PGP decryption if no key alias has been defined. For more information, see Configuring the PGP Keystore.

Run Script action

Specify the run script action.


Specifies the path of the script. For example,



Specify the timeout value, if the execution of the script takes more than the specified time it will stop the execution of the script. If there is an error in the transfer, the error is reflected in the MFT monitoring dashboard, after diagnosis it can be resubmitted.

Use Script Generated Payload

Select the checkbox if you want to modify the existing payload with the output generated by the script. When unchecked, the script is executed without modifying the payload.

Read Input Payload

Select the checkbox if you want the script (provided in Command field) to read the input payload before transfer. By default, the checkbox is selected.

New File Extension

Specifies the extension added to the new file after processing is done. For example, when using compression action, you may want to modify the name to <filename>.zip, you will set 'zip' as the new file extension.

Add or Update Script Variable

Click the link if you want to update, add or modify any parameter or variable in the script. There are pre-configured parameters which can be updated. At runtime, there are message level parameters which can be added or updated to the script.

New Line Conversion action

Specify the new line conversion action.


This applies to action type - New line conversion. Options available are DOS to Unix and Unix to DOS.

Find and Replace action

Specify the find and replace actions.


This applies to Find and Replace action. Specifies the find text.

Replace with

This applies to Find and Replace action. Specifies the replace with text.

Compression action

Specify the compression action.


Sets a compression level: Best Compression, Default Compression, or Best Speed. For more information, see the package, especially the Deflater class and the referenced specifications.

Related Topics

"Setting Up Source Processing Actions" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

"Setting Up Transfer Preprocessing and Postprocessing Actions" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer