Create Target

Use the Create Target dialog to create a new target for file transfers.

This dialog appears when you:

  • Click Targets in the left pane navigator on the Design page.

  • Select Targets and then the Create icon in the left pane navigator on the Design page.

  • Right-click Targets in the left pane navigator on the Design page and select the Create command from the pop-up menu.

  • Select create target in the Transfer tab.


You can set additional advanced properties for the target after you create it.
Element Description


Names the target.


Provides an optional and modifiable description of the target for other designers.


Specifies the target type: FTP Remote, sFTP Remote, File, SOAP, SOA, Service Bus, B2B, Healthcare, ODI, Storage Cloud Service or WebCenter. The other relevant settings appear after you select the type of target.

Specifies the target type. Click a target type for information about the fields pertinent to that type:

Related Topics

Creating a Target in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

Creating a Source in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

Create Target: FTP Remote

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—FTP Remote.

Element Description

Host Name

Specifies the host name.


If creating a source, specifies the location of files to be transferred as a directory in a file system.

If creating a target, specifies the location to which files are transferred as a directory in a file system.


Specifies the user who has access to the source or target.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for user names that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the user name, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $john$smith, enter the password as \$john$smith.


Specifies the user password.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for passwords that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the password, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $xyz$123, enter the password as \$xyz$123.

Confirm Password

Confirms the user password.

Control Port

Specifies the port for the source or target.


Specifies the use of SSL if checked. This is optional.

Implicit SSL

Specifies the use of implicit SSL if checked. This is optional.

Create Target: sFTP Remote

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—sFTP Remote.

Element Description

Host Name

Specifies the host name.


If creating a source, specifies the location of files to be transferred as a directory in a file system.

If creating a target, specifies the location to which files are transferred as a directory in a file system.


Specifies the user who has access to the source or target.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for user names that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the user name, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $john$smith, enter the password as \$john$smith.


Specifies the user password.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for passwords that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the password, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $xyz$123, enter the password as \$xyz$123.

Confirm Password

Confirms the user password.

Control Port

Specifies the port for the source or target.

Authentication Type

Specifies the type of user authentication: Password or Public Key.

Create Target: File

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—File.

Element Description


If creating a source, specifies the location of files to be transferred as a directory in a file system.

If creating a target, specifies the location to which files are transferred as a directory in a file system.

Create Target: SOAP

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—SOAP.

Element Description


If creating a source, specifies the web service endpoint from which to transfer files.

If creating a target, specifies the web service endpoint to which to transfer files.

For example: http://host:port/mftapp/services/transfer/url?WSDL

The default is localhost.

Create Target: SOA

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—SOA.

Element Description


If creating a source, specifies the web service endpoint from which to transfer files.

If creating a target, specifies the web service endpoint to which to transfer files.

For example: http://host:port/mftapp/services/transfer/url?WSDL

The default is localhost.

Domain Alias

If creating a source, specifies the domain from which to retrieve files.

If creating a target, specifies the domain to which files are transferred.

Create Target: Service Bus

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—Service Bus.

Element Description


If creating a source, specifies the web service endpoint from which to transfer files.

If creating a target, specifies the web service endpoint to which to transfer files.

For example: http://host:port/mftapp/services/transfer/url?WSDL

The default is localhost.

Domain Alias

If creating a source, specifies the domain from which to retrieve files.

If creating a target, specifies the domain to which files are transferred.

Create Target: B2B

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—B2B.

Element Description

Domain Alias

If creating a source, specifies the domain from which to retrieve files.

If creating a target, specifies the domain to which files are transferred.

Create Target: Healthcare

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—Healthcare.

Element Description

Endpoint Name

If creating a source, specifies the endpoint from which to retrieve files.

If creating a target, the endpoint to which files are transferred.

Domain Alias

If creating a source, specifies the domain from which to retrieve files.

If creating a target, specifies the domain to which files are transferred.

Create Target: ODI

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—ODI.

Element Description


JCA binding types are SOAP, FTP Remote, File, and sFTP Remote.


If creating a source, specifies the web service endpoint from which to transfer files.

If creating a target, specifies the web service endpoint to which to transfer files.

For example: http://host:port/mftapp/services/transfer/url?WSDL

The default is localhost.

Domain Alias

If creating a source, specifies the domain from which to retrieve files.

If creating a target, specifies the domain to which files are transferred.

Create Target: Storage Cloud Service

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—Storage Cloud Service.

Element Description


Specifies the user who has access to the source or target.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for user names that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the user name, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $john$smith, enter the password as \$john$smith.


Specifies the user password.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for passwords that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the password, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $xyz$123, enter the password as \$xyz$123.

Confirm Password

Confirms the user password.

Service URL

If creating a source, specifies the service URL from which files are transferred.

If creating a target, specifies the service URL to which files are transferred.

The default is localhost.

Service Name

Specifies the service name of the target.

Container Name

Specifies the name of the container, a user-created resource, which can hold an unlimited number of objects.


If creating a source, specifies the location of files to be transferred as a directory in a file system.

If creating a target, specifies the location to which files are transferred as a directory in a file system.

Create Target: OCI Storage Cloud Service

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—OCI Storage Cloud Service.


Before you can use the OCI Storage Cloud Service target type, you must import a private RSA key of PEM format to connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Importing a Key in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer.
Element Description

Endpoint URL

Specifies the REST endpoint URL of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.


Specifies the identifier of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region.


Specifies the Object Storage namespace of the bucket. This is a logical entity that serves as a top-level container for all buckets and objects, allowing for control of bucket naming within your tenancy. The namespace is a unique and uneditable system-generated string assigned during account creation and applies to all regions.

Bucket Name

Specifies the name of the bucket. A bucket is a logical container for storing objects. Users or systems create buckets as needed within a region. A bucket is associated with a single compartment that has policies that determine what actions a user can perform on a bucket and on all the objects in the bucket.


Specifies the fingerprint of the public API key value that you uploaded in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

Tenant ID

Specifies the OCID of the tenancy you are using.


Specifies the OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user account you will be using to connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Compartment ID

Compartment ID

Private Key

Specifies the private key, which is generated using an RSA key pair of PEM format.


Specifies the passphrase used to encrypt the private key.

Confirm Passphrase

Confirms the passphrase used to encrypt the private key.

Test Connection

Tests the connection to OCI Storage Cloud Service with the provided parameters.

Note: Test Connection returns a successful connection even if invalid values are specified for Endpoint URL or Compartment ID.

Create Target: WebCenter

This topic describes the settings shown in the Create Target dialog. For information about additional settings available after you create the target, see Target—WebCenter.

Element Description


Specifies the user who has access to the source or target.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for user names that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the user name, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $john$smith, enter the password as \$john$smith.


Specifies the user password.

MFT treats properties beginning with $ as parameters. Add a backslash (\) before the $ for passwords that start with $. This is only for a leading $. If there are other $s in the password, do not add more backslashes. Example: for $xyz$123, enter the password as \$xyz$123.

Confirm Password

Confirms the user password.


Specifies the protocol for connecting to the remote server: HTTP.

Connection URL

Specifies the service endpoint URL for connecting to WebCenter applications running on remote servers. These servers can be in the same Oracle WebLogic Server domain as Oracle Managed File Transfer or in a different domain.