
Use the Monitoring page to:

  • Display a general dashboard for transfer monitoring How?

  • Display source, target, and transfer deployments How?

  • Display dashboards for specific sources, targets, and transfers How?

  • Display reports for specific sources, targets, and transfers How?

The Monitoring page always displays the Dashboard tab, which allows you to monitor recent and in-progress transfers. Clicking on a source, transfer, or target link in the general Dashboard tab displays the Source Report, Transfer Report, or Target Report.

Element Description


Double-click to refresh the Dashboard tab, which allows you to view the status of recent transfers, errors, file finder and active deliveries.


Double-click to open the Deployments tab, which allows you to view all deployed artifacts.


Double-click to open the Schedules tab, which allows you to view schedules for targets.

Transfer Instances

Double-click to open the All Transfers Dashboard.

To display transfers, click the arrow to the left of Transfers. Double-click a transfer to open a Single Artifact Transfer Dashboard for that transfer only.

Source Instances

Double-click to open the All Sources Dashboard.

To display sources, click the arrow to the left of Sources. Double-click a source to open a Single Artifact Source Dashboard for that source only.

Target Instances

Double-click to open the All Targets Dashboard.

To display targets, click the arrow to the left of Targets. Double-click a target to open a Single Artifact Target Dashboard for that target only.


Opens the selected tab: Dashboard, Deployments, Transfer Instances, Source Instances, Target Instances, or a specific transfer, source, or target. You can also open a tab by double-clicking an item in the left pane navigator.


Opens a quick search, which lets you filter the left pane navigator display. Type any part of a transfer, source, or target name in the Filter field, then click the Go button. This search is case-sensitive. To reset the Filter field and display all artifacts, click the Erase button.


Refreshes the left pane navigator display. Adds newly deployed artifacts and removed artifacts that are un-deployed.

Collapse Pane, Restore Pane

Hides or displays the left pane navigator. To hide the pane, click the small Collapse Pane button in the middle of the right side of the pane. To re-display the pane, click the button again.

Close Current Tab

Closes the currently active dynamic tab.

Close All

Closes all open dynamic tabs.

Close Others

Closes all dynamic tabs except the Dashboard and currently active tab.

Related Topics

Monitoring in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer