
Use the Administration page to:

  • Change MFT server properties How?

  • Import and export the MFT repository How?

  • Manage keystores How?

  • Manage Healthcare, B2B, SOA, Service Bus, and ODI domains How?

  • Manage embedded FTP and sFTP servers, including ports and user access How?

Element Description

Server Properties

Double-click to open the Server Properties tab, which allows you to edit MFT server properties.


Click to open the Import/Export tab, which allows you to export (back up) the MFT repository to a ZIP file or import (restore) a previously exported ZIP file. The MFT repository contains all MFT artifacts and administration settings except passwords, PGP/SSH keys, callout jars and OPSS policies.

Keystores Management

Click to open the Keystores Management - Keystores Tab and Keystores Management - Keys Tab, which allows you to edit keystore properties and passwords.


Double-click to open the Domains tab.

Embedded Servers

Double-click to open the Embedded Servers tab, which allows you to edit embedded FTP and sFTP server properties. For more information, see Embedded Servers—FTP Server and Embedded Servers—sFTP Server.

Embedded Server Ports

Click the arrow to the left of Embedded Servers to display Embedded Server Ports. Double-click to open the Embedded Servers—Ports tab.

Embedded Server User Access

Click the arrow to the left of Embedded Servers to display Embedded Server User Access. Double-click to open the Embedded Servers—User Access tab.


Click to open the Purge Schedule options, which allows you to create purge schedule to delete instance and payload data. You can purge old data by executing the purge instantly by using Run Now Purge.


Opens the selected tab. You can also open a tab by double-clicking it.

Collapse Pane, Restore Pane

Hides or displays the left pane navigator. To hide the pane, click the small Collapse Pane button in the middle of the right side of the pane. To re-display the pane, click the button again.

Close Current Tab

Closes the currently active dynamic tab.

Close All

Closes all open dynamic tabs.

Close Others

Closes all dynamic tabs except the currently active tab.

Related Topics

"Administering Oracle Managed File Transfer" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

"Managing Oracle Managed File Transfer Embedded Servers" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

"Oracle Managed File Transfer Security" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer