Source Report

Use the Source Report tab to display information about a source instance involved in a recent file delivery. How?

The Source Report tab is arranged in the following sections:

Flow Display and Control

The Flow Display and Control section of the Source Report tab displays the source, transfer, and target for a specific file delivery and flow control actions.

Element Description


Updates the display with the most recent information.


Displays the source instance in relation to the associated transfer and target instances. Click to go to the source report.


Displays the transfer instance in relation to the associated source and target instances. Click to go to the Transfer Report.

A down arrow indicates that more than one transfer includes this source. Click the down arrow to display a list of transfers. Select a transfer to go to the Transfer Report.


Displays the target instance in relation to the associated source and transfer instances. Click to go to the Target Report.

Artifact Type Instance: Name

Displays the artifact type (Source) and name.

Resubmit Source

Resubmits the file to be transferred at the source. Resubmission occurs immediately and any schedule defined at the source is ignored.


The Summary section of the Source Report tab displays general information about the file delivery at the source.

Element Description

File Name

Displays the name of the transferred file. Click the file to save or open it.


Displays the source location.

Source Name

Displays the source name.


Displays the status and substatus of the transfer. Substatuses of the Active status are:

  • Delivery In Progress

  • In Progress

  • Paused

  • Pending

  • Pending Delivery

  • Post Processing

  • Pre Processing

  • Retrying

  • Scheduled

Substatuses of the Failed status are:

  • Error

  • Partial Error

  • Post Processing

  • Pre Processing

The only substatus of the Completed status is Successful.

Creation Time

Displays the creation time of the transferred file.


Displays the source endpoint type and name or URL.

Source Type

Specifies the type: Internal or External. Applies if the Type is SOAP, SOA, Service Bus, or ODI.

Specifies whether the SOAP/SOA, Service Bus, ODI endpoint is external or internal and used for reference based delivery. When generating the ftp/sftp reference, this lets you determine whether to use internal load balancer addresses or external load balancer address that is set in the Administration -> Server Properties page.

Payload Size

Displays the size of the payload in bytes. If the payload is inline, this is the size of the transferred file.

Recent Resubmit Status

Displays the resubmit status if Resubmit Source was previously selected.

Resubmitted Count

Displays the number of times Resubmit Source was selected.


Specifies the priority for message processing and transfer of payload: High, Medium or Low.

This is based on the associated transfer where messages are categorized in the order - High, Medium and Low.

Fetch Type



Specifies the source schedule selected while creating a source.

Specifies the frequency in seconds at which the source is checked for files to be transferred.

Specifies the Event check box, if enabled, allows you to execute transfers through a SOAP/REST service.

Event Session Id

Specifies the session id used to execute transfers through a SOAP/REST service.


The Errors section of the Source Report tab displays information about errors that have occurred for this source. It is present only if at least one error has occurred.

Element Description

Error Code

Displays the short code that uniquely identifies the type of error.

Error Level

Displays the level of severity.


Displays the error category.

Error Instance Type

Displays the type of artifact for which the error occurred: Source, Transfer, or Target.

Error Instance ID

Displays the internal instance ID of the error.

Creation Time

Displays the creation time of the error.


Displays text that describes the likely cause of the error.


Displays text that describes the likely way to fix the error.

Error Description

Displays text that describes the technical details of the error.

Error Text

Displays text that summarizes the nature of the error.

Resubmitted Instances

The Resubmitted Instances section of the Source Report tab displays information about resubmissions of this source. It is present only if at least one resubmission has occurred. Click on a table row to display further details in the Resubmit Details subsection.

Element Description

Instance ID

Displays the internal instance ID of the resubmitted source. Click to go to the Source Report for the resubmitted instance.

User Comment

Displays the user comment about the resubmission, if any.

Resubmitted By

Displays the name of the user who resubmitted the source.

Schedule Details

Displays information about the source schedule, if a schedule was configured. For more information, see Scheduler.

Creation Time

Displays the creation time of the resubmitted file.

Last Modified Time

Displays the modification time of the resubmitted file, if applicable.

Transfer Instances

The Transfer Instances section of the Source Report tab displays recent transfer instances that have used this source.

Element Description

Transfer Name

Displays the name of the associated transfer instance. Click to go to the Transfer Report.


Displays the transfer status.


Displays the transfer substatus.

Content Type

Displays the type of the file transferred, for example, XML. Content filters define content types. For more information, see Transfer.

Transfer Initiation Time

Displays the start time of the associated transfer instance.

Creation Time

Displays the creation time of the transferred file.

Source Processing

The Source Processing section of the Source Report tab displays information about source processing actions.

Element Description


Displays the name of the processing action.


Displays the action status.

Creation Time

Displays the action start time.


Displays additional information about a source processing action.


Displays the name of the processing action.


Displays the action status.

Modified File Name

Displays the new file name if the action changed it.

Modified Message Property

Displays message properties if the action changed them.

Modified Transport Header

Displays transport headers if the action changed them.

Creation Time

Displays the action start time.


The Operation section of the Target Report tab displays operation name and operation status.

Element Description


Displays the name of the operation.


Displays the operation status.


The Advanced section of the Source Report tab displays advanced information about the source instance.

Element Description

Source Label

Displays the name of the deployed source on the MFT Server.


Displays the internal ID of the source.


Displays the standard Oracle execution ID, used to track the flow across different SOA component products using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Sender Name

Displays the name of the user that initiated the transfer. For example, for a web services request, this is the user who sent the SOAP request.

Transfer Method

Displays the transfer method: Synchronous or Asynchronous.

Transformed File Name

Displays the new file name if the transfer transformed it.

Last Modified Time

Displays the modification time of the transferred file.

Transport Header

Displays transport headers.

Message Property

Displays message properties.

Correlation FlowID

Displays the ID for and link to the corresponding SOA, B2B, or Healthcare report for a source of one of those types.

Data Storage

Displays data storage information about the source instance.


Displays whether the transferred file was encrypted: true or false.

Creation Time

Displays the creation time of the transferred file.

Source Protocol Headers

The Protocol Headers section of the Source Report tab displays information about MFT WSDL file headers specific to the source protocol, such as SOAP, SOA, or FTP. Each header has a key and a value. Not all headers may be present.

Element Description

Target File Name

Displays the name to which the file is changed when delivered to the target. Changing the file name is optional.

Content Identifier

Displays a unique identifier for the content, used to identify matching transfers.

Directory Path

Displays the directory path from which MFT picks up the file. Applicable to File and FTP sources only.

Message ID or Composite ID

Displays a pass-through field supplied when a composite application invokes an MFT web service source (SOAP, SOA, Service Bus, or ODI). Contains the urn:id UUID of the composite.


Displays the standard Oracle execution UUID, used to track the flow across different SOA component products using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

This is a pass-through field for MFT web service sources. For other source types, the value is generated.

Flow Event ID

Displays a unique ID associated with each flow instance for identifying the flow event.

This is a pass-through field for MFT web service sources. For other source types, the value is not generated.

Flow ID

Displays a unique incremental number to identify each flow in the same message invocation session.

This is a pass-through field for MFT web service sources. For other source types, the value is not generated.

Correlation Flow ID

Displays the UUID for the corresponding web service SOA, B2B, or Healthcare report for a source of one of those types.

This is a pass-through field for MFT web service, B2B, or Healthcare sources. For other source types, the value is generated.

Instance ID

Displays the MFT source message UUID.


Displays the URL of the MFT web service source being invoked.

This is a pass-through field for MFT web service sources. For other source types, the value is not generated.


Displays the MFT submit operation URL Applicable to MFT web service sources only.

Fault To

Displays the fault-to URL Applicable to MFT web service sources only.

Reply To

Displays the reply-to URL Applicable to MFT web service sources only.


The Security section of the Source Report tab displays advanced security information about the source instance if security options are enabled.

Element Description

Digest Algorithm

Displays the digest algorithm.

Encryption Algorithm

Displays the encryption algorithm.

Encryption Certificate

Displays the encryption certificate.

Encryption Protocol

Displays the encryption protocol.

Message Digest

Displays the message digest.

Signing Algorithm

Displays the signing algorithm.

Signing Certificate

Displays the signing certificate.

Signing Protocol

Displays the signing protocol.


Displays the PGP version.

Creation Time

Displays the creation time of the transferred file.

Last Modified Time

Displays the modification time of the transferred file.

Related Topics

Using the Flow Diagram in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer

Source Reports in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer