File Finder

Use the File Finder expanded portlet to display information about specific files and their sources and targets. How?

Element Description


Collapses the portlet and returns to the Dashboard.

Search For

Specifies whether to search for Source or Target artifacts.


Specifies the precision of the text search fields in each column: Contains, Starts With (default), or Exact Match.

Case Sensitive

Performs case-sensitive searches if checked.


Adds the most recent transfers to the table.


Displays all artifacts and files and resets all search values.

Source or Target

Displays Source or Target names. Click on the name to display a source or target report. You can enter a name or pattern on which to search. You can use % as a wildcard. Leaving this field blank finds all sources or targets.


Specifies the priority for message processing and transfer of payload: High, Medium or Low.

This is based on the associated transfer where messages are categorized in the order - High, Medium and Low.


The name of the user that initiated the transfer.


Specifies the type: Internal or External. Applies if the Type is SOAP, SOA, Service Bus, or ODI.

Specifies whether the SOAP/SOA, Service Bus, ODI endpoint is external or internal and used for reference based delivery. When generating the ftp/sftp reference, this lets you determine whether to use internal load balancer addresses or external load balancer address that is set in the Administration -> Server Properties page


Displays the transfer status: Active, Failed, or Completed. You can select a value on which to search. Leaving this field blank displays all statuses.

Create Time

Displays the time at which the file was created at the source or target location. You can select a date and time range using the From and To fields.


Displays file names. You can enter a name or pattern on which to search. You can use % as a wildcard. Leaving this field blank displays all files.


Displays file sizes in bytes.

First Page

Displays the first page of artifacts and files.

Previous Page

Displays the previous page of artifacts and files.

Next Page

Displays the next page of artifacts and files.

Last Page

Displays the last page of artifacts and files.

Page Size

Specifies the number of table rows on each page.

Related Topics

"Using the File Finder" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer