Recent Errors

Use the Recent Errors expanded portlet to display recent transfer errors. How?

Element Description


Collapses the portlet and returns to the Dashboard.


Specifies the precision of the text search fields in each column: Contains, Starts With (default), or Exact Match.

Case Sensitive

Performs case-sensitive searches if checked.


Performs the search and adds the most recent errors to the table.


Displays all errors and clears all search values.


Displays the error, for example, Error while instance message processing. Click on the error to display a source, transfer, or target report.


Displays the full technical description of the error. You can mouse over the field if you can't read the entire value in the table.

Error Instance Type

Displays the error instance type: Source, Target, Instance, or Retry. You can select a value on which to filter. Leaving this field blank displays all types.


Displays the code, for example, MFT-4213. You can enter a code value or pattern on which to filter. You can use % as a wildcard. Leaving this field blank displays all codes.


Displays the level: Low, Medium, High, or Critical. You can select a value on which to filter. Leaving this field blank displays all levels.


Displays the category: System Error or Message Error. You can select a value on which to filter. Leaving this field blank displays all categories.

Create Time

Displays the date and time at which the error occurred. You can select a date and time range using the From and To fields.

First Page

Displays the first page of errors.

Previous Page

Displays the previous page of errors.

Next Page

Displays the next page of errors.

Last Page

Displays the last page of errors.

Page Size

Specifies the number of table rows on each page.

Related Topics

"Diagnosing Transfer Errors" in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer