4.2.2 Upgrading GGSA

  1. Stop the OSA services by running the command, sudo systemctl stop osa.service.


    You can check if the service is stopped by running the command ggsa-services.
  2. Go to GGSA home by running the command, cd /u01/app/osa.
  3. Create a backup of the old data, and move the backup folder into the OSA folder:
    • mkdir backup
    • mv * backup/
  4. Copy the new OSA zip to OSA parent location, and extract the file. From the extracted folder, move all the contents to /u01/app/osa location, or the OSA parent folder.
  5. Copy sample folder from backup to OSA parent folder.
  6. Copy deployedpipelines folder under OSA parent folder from backup.
  7. Copy jetty-osa-datasource.xml file from backup to newer version. The file is located in osa/osa-base/etc/jetty-osa-datasource.xml.