4.2.3 Upgrading Spark

  1. Stop the spark worker and master services by running the following commands in the given order:
    1. sudo systemctl stop spark-slave.service
    2. sudo systemctl stop spark-master.service
  2. cd /u01/app/spark
  3. Create a backup folder and copy all the contents of spark inside it.
  4. Copy the new spark zip file and extract it. Move all contents from the extracted folder tospark_home folder: /u01/app/spark
  5. Copy spark-defaults.conf and spark-env.sh from backup spark conf folder to new spark conf folder
  6. Copy jars from OSA to spark home:
    1. cp ${OSA_HOME}/lib/jetty-util-9.4.53.v20231009.jar ${SPARK_HOME}/jars/jetty-util-9.4.53.v20231009.jar
    2. cp ${OSA_HOME}/osa-base/bin/osa.installer.jar ${SPARK_HOME}/jars/osa.installer.jar
    3. cp ${OSA_HOME}/osa-base/lib/ext/mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar ${SPARK_HOME}/jars/mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar
    4. cp ${OSA_HOME}/osa-base/lib/ext/ojdbc8.jar ${SPARK_HOME}/jars/ojdbc8.jar
    5. cp ${OSA_HOME}/osa-base/lib/ext/osa.spark-integration.model.jar ${SPARK_HOME}/jars/osa.spark-integration.model.jar
  7. Start the spark master and worker by running the following commands in the given order:
    1. sudo systemctl restart spark-master.service
    2. sudo systemctl restart spark-slave.service

If you encounter any issues, check the logs, or run the ggsa-services command.