10.1.7 Detailed Query Analysis

Click on a specific partition in Execution Statistics table, the CQL Engine Detailed Query Analysis page is displayed.CQL Engine Detailed Query Analysis

This page contains details about each execution operator of CQL query for a particular partition of a stage in pipeline.

  • Query ID: System generated identifier for query

  • Query Text: Query String

  • Partition ID: All operator details are corresponding to this partition id.

  • Operator Statistics:

    • Operator ID: System Generated Identifiers

    • Total Input Events: Total number of input events received by each operator.

    • Total Output Events: Total number of output events generated by each operator.

    • Total Input Heartbeats: Total number of heartbeat events received by each operator.

    • Total Output Heartbeats: Total number of heartbeat events generated by each operator.

    • Throughput(events/second): Ratio of total input events processed and total time spent in processing for each operator.

    • Latency(ms): Total turnaround time to process an event for each operator.

  • Operator DAG: This is visual representation of the query plan. The DAG will show the parent-child details for each operator. You can further drill down the execution statistics of operator. Please click on the operator which will open CQL Operator Details Page.