Working with Live Output Table

The streaming data in the pipeline appears in a live output table. Select any stage in the pipeline to see its output.

Hide/Unhide Columns

In the live output table, right-click a column and click Hide to hide that column from the output. This option only hides the columns from the UI and does not remove them from the output. To unhide the hidden columns, click Columns and then click the eye icon to make the columns visible in the output.

Select/Unselect the Columns

Click the Columns link at the top of the output table to view all the columns available. Use the arrow icons to either select or unselect individual columns or all columns. Only the columns that you select appear in the output table and in the actual output when the pipeline is published.

Pause/Restart the Table

Click Pause/Resume to pause or resume the streaming data in the output table.

Perform Operations on Column Headers

Right-click on any column header to perform the following operations:

  • Hide: Hides the column from the output table. Click the Columns link and unhide the hidden columns.

  • Remove from output: Removes the column from the output table. Click the Columns link and select the columns to be included in the output table.

  • Rename: Renames the column to the specified name.

  • Function: Captures the column in Expression Builder using which you can perform various operations through the in-built functions.

Add a Timestamp

Include timestamp in the live output table by clicking the clock icon in the output table.

Reorder the Columns

Click and drag the column headers to right or left in the output table to reorder the columns.