7 Mapping Shared Reference Relationships

This chapter includes the following sections:

Understanding Keys and Foreign Keys

EclipseLink supports shared reference keys and foreign keys through:

  • Single key

  • Composite Key

  • Embedded Key Class

Mapping Single Key Relationships

To model non-privately-owned relationships, your "target" objects must have IDs (keys) defined, and your "source" object must use these IDs to map the relationship.

Relationships represented with keys use the @XmlID and @XmlIDREF annotations. Although the JAXB specification requires that the property marked with @XmlID be a String, MOXy JAXB does not enforce this restriction.

In Example 7-1, each Employee has one manager but multiple reports.

The following example shows how to define this mapping information in EclipseLink's OXM metadata format.

This would produce the following XML:

    <employee id="1" name="Jane Doe">
    <employee id="2" name="John Smith">
    <employee id="3" name="Anne Jones">

The manager and reports elements contain the IDs of the Employee instances they are referencing.

Example 7-1 Using the @XmlID and @XmlIDREF Annotations

package example;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
public class Employee {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Employee manager;
    private List<Employee> reports;

Example 7-2 Sample XML Mapping

<java-type name="Employee">
      <xml-attribute java-attribute="id" type="java.lang.Integer" xml-id="true"/>
      <xml-attribute java-attribute="name" type="java.lang.String"/>
      <xml-element java-attribute="manager" type="mypackage.Employee" xml-idref="true"/>
      <xml-element java-attribute="reports" type="mypackage.Employee" container-type="java.util.ArrayList" xml-idref="true"/>

Using @XmlList

Because the @XmlIDREF annotation is also compatible with the @XmlList annotation, the Employee object could be modeled as:

This would produce the following XML:

   <employee id="1" name="Jane Doe">
      <reports>2 3</reports>
   <employee id="2" name="John Smith">
   <employee id="3" name="Anne Jones">

Example 7-3 Using the @XmlList Annotation

package example;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
public class Employee {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Employee manager;
    private List<Employee> reports;

Using the Embedded Key Class

With JAXB, you can derive an XML representation from a set of JPA entities, when a JPA entity has an embedded ID class.

In Example 7-4, the EmployeeId is the embedded ID of the Employee class:

For the JAXB bindings, the XML accessor type will be set to FIELD for all the model classes. This can be set as a package level JAXB annotation, as shown here:

package com.example.model;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;

Example 7-5 uses the EclipseLink extension @XmlCustomizer which extends the JAXB specification. Because the contact attribute is a bidirectional relationship, it includes the EclipseLink extension @XmlInverseReference.

To embed the content of the EmployeeId class in the complex type corresponding to the Employee class, change the XPath on the mapping for the id property to be self or . . Then specify the XPath to the XML nodes which represent the ID.

If the target object had a single ID then we would use @XmlIDREF. Since the target object has a compound key, we will mark the field @XmlTransient, and use the EclipseLink extension @XmlCustomizer to set up the mapping.

An XMLObjectReferenceMapping will be created. The mapping will include multiple key mappings.

import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLObjectReferenceMapping;
public class PhoneNumberCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {
    public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {
        XMLObjectReferenceMapping contactMapping = new XMLObjectReferenceMapping();
        contactMapping.addSourceToTargetKeyFieldAssociation("contact/@eID", "eId/text()");
        contactMapping.addSourceToTargetKeyFieldAssociation("contact/@country", "country/text()");

Example 7-4 Sample Embedded ID

public class PhoneNumber {
        @JoinColumn(name="E_ID", referencedColumnName = "E_ID"),
        @JoinColumn(name="E_COUNTRY", referencedColumnName = "COUNTRY")
    private Employee contact;
public class Employee {
    private EmployeeId id;
    private List<PhoneNumber> contactNumber;
public class EmployeeId {
    private BigDecimal eId;
    private String country;

Example 7-5 Using the @XmlCustomizer Annotation

public class Employee {
    private EmployeeId id;
    private List<PhoneNumber> contactNumber;

Example 7-6 Changing the XPath

import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeObjectMapping;
public class EmployeeCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {
    public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {
        XMLCompositeObjectMapping idMapping = 
            (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

Example 7-7 Using the @XmlTransient Annotation

public class PhoneNumber {
        @JoinColumn(name="E_ID", referencedColumnName = "E_ID"),
        @JoinColumn(name="E_COUNTRY", referencedColumnName = "COUNTRY")
    private Employee contact;

Mapping Composite Key Relationships

If the objects that you want to map have multi-part keys (that is, a combination of fields that determines uniqueness), you can use EclipseLink's @XmlKey and @XmlJoinNodes to set up this relationship.

One or more @XmlKey annotations can be used to declare the primary keys in a given class. For a single key, either @XmlID or @XmlKey can be used. For composite primary keys, multiple @XmlKey annotations can be used, or a single @XmlID can be combined with one or more @XmlKey annotations.


Composite Keys can be useful when using JAXB to map JPA entities. For more information see Converting JPA entities to/from XML (via JAXB).

In Example 7-8, each Employee has one manager but multiple reports, and Employees are uniquely identified by the combination of their id and name fields.

Example 7-9 shows how to define this mapping information in EclipseLink's OXM metadata format.

This would produce the following XML:

   <employee id="1" name="Jane Doe">
      <report id="2" name="John Smith"/>
      <report id="3" name="Anne Jones"/>
   <employee id="2" name="John Smith">
      <manager id="1" name="Jane Doe"/>
   <employee id="3" name="Anne Jones">
      <manager id="1" name="Jane Doe"/>

Example 7-8 Using the @XmlKey and @XmlJoinNodes Annotations

package example;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.annotations.*;
public class Employee {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    @XmlJoinNodes( {
        @XmlJoinNode(xmlPath = "manager/@id", referencedXmlPath = "@id"),
        @XmlJoinNode(xmlPath = "manager/@name", referencedXmlPath = "@name") })
    public Employee manager;
    @XmlJoinNodes( {
        @XmlJoinNode(xmlPath = "report/@id", referencedXmlPath = "@id"),
        @XmlJoinNode(xmlPath = "report/@name", referencedXmlPath = "@name") })
    public List<Employee> reports = new ArrayList<Employee>();

Example 7-9 Sample XML Mapping

<java-type name="Employee">
        <xml-attribute java-attribute="id" xml-id="true" />
        <xml-attribute java-attribute="name" xml-key="true" />
        <xml-join-nodes java-attribute="manager">
            <xml-join-node xml-path="manager/@id" referenced-xml-path="@id" />
            <xml-join-node xml-path="manager/@name" referenced-xml-path="@name" />
        <xml-join-nodes java-attribute="reports" container-type="java.util.ArrayList">
            <xml-join-node xml-path="report/@id" referenced-xml-path="@id" />
            <xml-join-node xml-path="report/@name" referenced-xml-path="@name" />

Mapping Bidirectional Relationships

In order to map bidirectional relationships in EclipseLink MOXy, the back-pointer must be annotated as an @XmlInverseReference. Without this annotation, the cyclic relationship will result in an infinite loop during marshalling.

@XmlInverseReferences must specify the mappedBy attribute, which indicates the property on the opposite side of the relationship.

In Example 7-11, an Employee has a collection of PhoneNumbers, and each PhoneNumber has a back-pointer back to its Employee:

Example 7-11 shows how to define this mapping in EclipseLink's OXM metadata format:

Employee emp = new Employee();
emp.setName("Bob Smith");
PhoneNumber p = new PhoneNumber();
// Not Necessary
// p.setEmployee(emp);

@XmlInverseReference back-pointers can be used with the following types of mappings:

@XmlInverseReference can be particularly useful when mapping JPA entities to XML (see Using XML Bindings).

Example 7-10 Using the @XMlInverseReference Annotation

public class Employee {
   private String name;
   private List<PhoneNumber> phones = new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>();
public class PhoneNumber {
   private String number;
   private Employee employee;

Example 7-11 Sample XML Mapping

<java-type name="Employee">
      <xml-element java-attribute="name" type="java.lang.String"/>
      <xml-element java-attribute="phones" type="PhoneNumber" container-type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
<java-type name="PhoneNumber">
      <xml-element java-attribute="number" type="java.lang.String"/>
      <xml-inverse-reference java-attribute="employee" type="Employee" mapped-by="phones" />
In addition, when using @XmlInverseReference, it is not necessary to explicitly set the back-pointer in your Java code; EclipseLink will do this for you automatically:

See also

For more information, see: