10 Managing TCP Proxies

A TCP Proxy handles TCP requests through TCP listeners for traffic tunnelling. While a TCP Proxy can have several TCP listeners associated with it, a TCP listener can be associated with only one TCP Proxy.

This chapter describes how to create, view, modify, and delete TCP proxies. It contains the following topics:

Creating a TCP Proxy

You can create TCP proxies to handle requests through TCP listeners. To create a TCP proxy, run the otd_createTcpProxy command.



When you create a TCP Proxy, you are, in effect, modifying a configuration. So for the new TCP Proxy settings to take effect in the Oracle Traffic Director instances, you should redeploy the configuration as described in Activating Configuration Changes.

Before You Begin

Before you begin creating a TCP Proxy, decide the following:

  • A unique name for the proxy. Choose the name carefully. After creating a proxy, you cannot change its name.

  • A unique IP address (or host name) and port number combinations for the listener.

    You can define multiple TCP listeners with the same IP address combined with different port numbers, or with a single port number combined with different IP addresses. So each of the following IP address and port number combinations would be considered a unique listener:
  • The name of the origin-server pool to which the TCP Proxy should forward requests. See Managing Origin Server Pools.

You can create a TCP proxy by either using Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST as described in the following topics:

Creating a TCP Proxy Using Fusion Middleware Control

To create a TCP Proxy by using the Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control, as described in Graphical User Interface-Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. Click the WebLogic Domain button at the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Select Administration > OTD Configurations.

    A list of the available configurations is displayed.

  4. Select the configuration for which you want to create a TCP proxy.
  5. Click the Traffic Director Configuration In the Common Tasks pane.
  6. Select Administration > TCP proxies.
  7. In the Common Tasks pane, click Create.
    The New TCP Proxy wizard appears.
  8. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete creation of the TCP Proxy by using the details—proxy name, listener name, IP address, port, and so on-that you decided earlier.


    • Select Enable FTP option if you want to enable FTP support on a TCP proxy.

    • If the TCP traffic on the port is over SSL, for example T3S, then select the SSL/TLS check box on the first screen of the New TCP Proxy wizard and select the certificate to be used. See Configuring SSL on a HTTP/TCP Listener.

    After the proxy is created, the Results screen of the New TCP Proxy wizard displays a message confirming successful creation of the proxy.

  9. Click Close on the Results screen.
    • The details of the TCP Proxies that you just created are displayed on the TCP proxies page.

    • In addition, the Deployment Pending message is displayed at the top of the main pane. You can either deploy the updated configuration immediately by clicking Deploy Changes, or you can do so later after making further changes, as described in Activating Configuration Changes.

Creating a TCP Proxy Using WLST

To create a TCP proxy with a set of initial values, run the otd_createTcpProxy command.

For example, the following command creates a TCP Proxy named bar for the configuration foo with the origin-server-pool as tcp-origin-server-pool-1.

props = {}
props['configuration'] = 'foo'
props['tcp-proxy'] = 'bar'
props['origin-server-pool-name'] = 'tcp-origin-server-pool-1'

For example, the following command creates a TCP Proxy named bar for the configuration foo with the origin-server-pool as tcp-origin-server-pool-1 and protocol as ftp.

props = {}
props['configuration'] = 'foo'
props['tcp-proxy'] = 'bar'
props['protocol'] = 'ftp'
props['origin-server-pool'] = 'tcp-origin-server-pool-1'

The FTP configuration is enabled for the tcp proxy with properties ssl-termination, origin-explicit-ftps and client-explicit-ftps being 'false' and 'true' respectively. These properties can be modified later using otd_setTcpProxyProperties.

Viewing a List of TCP Proxies

After creating a TCP proxy, you can view the current state of the proxies. to view a list of TCP proxies, run the otd_listTcpProxies command.


You can view a list of TCP proxies by using either Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST as described in the following topics:

Viewing a List of TCP Proxies Using Fusion Middleware Control

To view a list of TCP proxies by using the Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control, as described in Displaying Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. Click the WebLogic Domain button at the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Select Administration > OTD Configurations.
    A list of the available configurations is displayed.
  4. Select the configuration for which you want to view a TCP proxy.
  5. Click the Traffic Director Configuration In the Common Tasks pane.
  6. Select Administration > TCP proxies.
    The TCP Proxies page is displayed. It shows a list of the TCP proxies defined for the configuration.

Viewing a List of TCP Proxies Using WLST

To view a list of TCP proxies, run the otd_listTcpProxies command, as shown in the following example:

props = {}
props['configuration'] = 'foo'


You can view the properties of a TCP Proxy in detail by running the otd_getTcpProxyProperties command.

Modifying a TCP Proxy

After you create a TCP Proxy instance, you may want to change some of the settings such as port range, client/server FTP settings, and so on. To modify TCP Proxy settings, use the otd_setTcpProxyProperties command.


You can modify TCP Proxy settings by using either Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST as described in the following topics:

Modifying a TCP Proxy Using Fusion Middleware Control

To modify a TCP Proxy by using the Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control, as described in Displaying Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. Click the WebLogic Domain button at the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Select Administration > OTD Configurations.
    A list of the available configurations is displayed.
  4. Select the configuration for which you want to modify a TCP proxy.
  5. Click the Traffic Director Configuration In the Common Tasks pane.
  6. Select Administration > TCP proxies.
    The TCP Proxies page is displayed. It shows a list of the TCP proxies defined for the configuration.
  7. Click the name of the TCP Proxy that you want to modify.

    The TCP Proxy Settings page is displayed. On this page, you can do the following:

    • Enable and disable the TCP Proxy.

    • Change the origin server pool and idle timeout.

    • Add and remove TCP listeners. For information about creating TCP listeners, see Creating a Listener.

    • Modify port ranges for active and passive FTP connections.

    • View the client FTP settings.

      Client Explicit SSL is enabled. This means that SSL is enabled on request for the client connection. This can only be disabled if all the associated TCP listeners have SSL enabled.

    • Modify the server FTP settings.

      Server Explicit SSL is enabled. This means that SSL is enabled on request for the origin server connection.

      Server FTP settings cannot be changed because SSL is not enabled on the server pool. Click Edit to navigate to the server pool edit page and enable SSL.

  8. Specify the parameters that you want to change.

    On-screen help and prompts are provided for all of the parameters.

    When you change the value in a field or tab out of a text field that you changed, the OK button near the upper right corner of the page is enabled.

    At any time, you can discard the changes by clicking the Cancel button.

  9. After making the required changes, click OK.
    A message, confirming that the updated proxy was saved, is displayed in the Console Messages pane.

Modifying a TCP Proxy Using WLST

To change the properties of a TCP proxy, run the otd_setTcpProxyProperties command.

  • For example, the following command changes the session idle timeout of the proxy bar in the configuration foo to 1200.

    props = {}
    props['configuration'] = 'foo'
    props['tcp-proxy'] = 'bar'
    props['session-idle-timeout'] = '1200'
  • For example, the following command enables FTP configuration for the TCP proxy with properties 'ssl-termination', 'origin-explicit-ftps' and 'client-explicit-ftps' as 'false', 'true' and 'true' respectively.

    props = {}
    props['configuration'] = 'foo'
    props['tcp-proxy'] = 'bar'
    props['client-explicit-ftps'] = 'true'

Deleting a TCP Proxy

You can delete TCP Proxy instances that are no longer required. To delete TCP Proxy instances, run the otd_deleteTcpProxy command.


You can delete TCP Proxy instances by using either Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST as described in the following topics:

Deleting a TCP Proxy Using Fusion Middleware Control

To delete a TCP Proxy by using the Fusion Middleware Control, do the following:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control, as described in Displaying Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. Click the WebLogic Domain button at the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Select Administration > OTD Configurations.
    A list of the available configurations is displayed.
  4. Select the configuration for which you want to delete a TCP proxy.
  5. Click the Traffic Director Configuration In the Common Tasks pane.
  6. Select Administration > TCP proxies.
    The TCP Proxies page is displayed. It shows a list of the TCP proxies defined for the configuration.
  7. Click the Delete icon for the TCP Proxy that you want to delete.
    A prompt to confirm deletion of the proxy is displayed. If the proxy is associated with any listeners, the prompt shows the names of those listeners.
  8. To proceed with the deletion, click Yes.

    A message is displayed in the Console Message pane confirming that the TCP Proxy was deleted.

    In addition, the Deployment Pending message is displayed at the top of the main pane. You can either deploy the updated configuration immediately by clicking Deploy Changes, or you can do so later after making further changes, as described in Activating Configuration Changes.

Deleting a TCP Proxy Using WLST

To delete a TCP Proxy, run the otd_deleteTcpProxy command, as shown in the following example:

props = {}
props['configuration'] = 'foo'
props['tcp-proxy'] = 'bar'