3 Issues and Workarounds

This chapter describes the issues associated with Oracle Traffic Director.


As of, Oracle Traffic Director is deprecated. In the future, use Oracle HTTP Server or Kubernetes Load Balancer for equivalent functionality.

Restart Active-Active Failover Node After Enabling FTP on TCP Listener


Impacted Platforms: Generic

In an active-active failover enabled configuration, if you create an FTP-enabled TCP listener or enable the FTP for an existing TCP listener, then this new/modified configuration will not be part of the running failover until you stop and start the failover on all the nodes. If failover is not restarted, then the incoming traffic is not routed through the LVS and will not be load balanced. Instead, it will be directly served by OTD where VIP is plumbed.


No workaround available.

Creation of active-active failover group through Enterprise Manager not supported


Impacted Platforms: Generic

There is no option to create/manage active-active failover groups using Enterprise Manager. Active-active failover groups must be created/managed using WLST commands.


No workaround available.

Disable Session Caching Before Resuming SSL Connection


Impacted Platforms: Generic

If client authentication is enabled on an SSL listener, there is an issue in retrieving the client certificate chain during session resumption. This may cause a subsequent credential check to fail in some cases.


Disable the SSL session cache.

Warnings Appear in Oracle Traffic Director Node Manager Log on Solaris on SPARC (64–bit)


Impacted Platforms: Solaris

After installing Oracle Traffic Director on Solaris on SPARC (64-bit), you might see warning messages similar to the following examples in the Node Manager log when starting the Oracle Traffic Director Node Manager:

WARNING: Key store file keystores.xml integrity check failed. 
Location:  /home/oracle/config/domains/OTDDomain/config/fmwconfig/ Jul 19, 2016 10:44:36 PM  
oracle.security.jps.internal.keystore.file.FileKeyStoreManager openKeyStore
WARNING: Opening of file based keystore failed. 
Reason : oracle.security.jps.service.keystore.KeyStoreServiceException: JPS-06502: Failed to read keystore. 
Reason : javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException

The first warning is a security warning, and the second warning is because of file synchronization issues with the keystores.xml file.


No workaround available. There is no impact on OTD functionality. You can ignore these warnings.

Active-active requests fail when they originate from machines configured as failover group


Impacted Platforms: Generic

If an active-active failover group is configured for a VIP on Oracle Traffic Director, and the requests to VIP originates from one of the machines where the failover group is configured, then the requests fail.


Send the requests from an external machine which is not a part of the failover group.

The Option to Select OTD Disappears in the System Components Window


While creating a managed domain using Full JRF template, the option to select OTD from the Component Type drop-down in the System Components window disappears when you add a new system component.


Use the Oracle Traffic Director custom WLST commands or Fusion Middleware Control to create Oracle Traffic Director configurations/instances. Do not use the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to create Oracle Traffic Director instances.