29 WebLogic Server Resource Overrides

This chapter describes creating and configuring resource overrides. Resource overriding allows administrators to customize resources at the partition level. You can override resource settings that are derived from a resource group template.  If you create a partition with a resource group that extends a resource group template, then you can override settings for JDBC and JMS system resources defined in that resource group template.

See Configuring Resource Overrides in Using WebLogic Server MT.


If you are logged into a domain partition, navigate from the Domain Partition menu. Note that WebLogic Server Multitenant domain partitions, resource groups, resource group templates, and virtual targets are deprecated in WebLogic Server and will be removed in the next release.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Create resource overrides

Before you begin:

Prior to creating resource overrides in a domain partition, you must have first defined JDBC or JMS system resources in a resource group template. See Create JDBC data sources and JMS resources and modules.

You create resource overrides within existing domain partitions.

To create resource overrides:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Domain Partitions.

    The Domain Partitions summary table displays information about the state of each domain partition that has been configured in the current WebLogic Server domain.

  2. Click on the name of the domain partition for which you want to define partition-specific resource overrides.
  3. From the Domain Partition menu, select Administration, then select Resource Overrides.

    The Resource Overrides summary table displays information about the JDBC and JMS system resources that have been defined in the current domain partition, such as:

    • Resource Name: a user defined name of the JDBC or JMS system resource

    • Resource Type: the type of JDBC or JMS system resource to be overridden

    • Resource Group: the resource group which extends the resource group template definition for the JDBC or JMS system resource

    • Has Overrides: Indicates whether the JDBC or JMS system resource has partition-specific attribute values

    • Edit Overrides: To configure a resource override, click the Edit icon in the table. See Configure resource overrides.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

Configure resource overrides

To configure a JDBC data source override:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Domain Partitions.

    The Domain Partitions summary table displays information about the state of each domain partition that has been configured in the current WebLogic Server domain.

  2. Click on the name of the domain partition for which you want to define partition-specific JDBC data source attribute overrides.

  3. From the Domain Partition menu, select Administration, then select Resource Overrides.

    The Resource Overrides summary table displays information about the JDBC and JMS system resources that have been defined in the current domain partition.

  4. In the summary table, select the JDBC data source for which you want to define partition-specific overrides and click the Edit Overrides icon.

  5. On the Overrides page, optionally provide partition-specific values for the following fields:

    • User: the name of the user for the data source

    • URL: the connection URL for the data source

    • Password: the password in clear text

      Note: The name of the data source cannot be overridden. It is used for matching the overriding configuration MBean with the resource to be overridden.

    • Click OK.

After you finish:

You must restart the partition for the overrides to take effect.

To configure a JMS system module/foreign server override:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Domain Partitions.

    The Domain Partitions summary table displays information about the state of each domain partition that has been configured in the current WebLogic Server domain.

  2. Click on the name of the domain partition for which you want to define partition-specific JMS system module values.
  3. From the Domain Partition menu, select Administration, then select Resource Overrides.

    The Resource Overrides summary table displays information about the JDBC and JMS system resources that have been defined in the current domain partition.

  4. In the summary table, select the JMS system module/foreign server for which you want to define partition-specific attribute overrides and click the Edit Overrides icon.
  5. On the Overrides page, optionally provide partition-specific values for the following fields:
    • Connection URL: the URL that WebLogic Server will use to contact the JNDI provider.

    • InitialContextFactory: the name of the class that must be instantiated to access the JNDI provider. This class name depends on the JNDI provider and the vendor that are being used.

    • JNDIPropertiesCredential: any credentials that must be set for the JNDI provider. These credentials will be part of the properties passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

    • ForeignDestination/RemoteJNDIName: the name of the remote object that will be looked up in the remote JNDI directory.

    • ForeignConnectionFactory/username: the user name that is passed when opening a connection to the remote server (represented by this foreign connection factory).

    • ForeignConnectionFactory/password: the password used to access the remote connection factory.

    • ForeignConnectionFactory/RemoteJNDIName: the name of the remote object that will be looked up in the remote JNDI directory.

    • Click OK.

After you finish:

You must restart the partition for the overrides to take effect.