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Servers: Configuration: Federation Services: SAML 2.0 Service Provider

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This page configures the SAML 2.0 per server service provider properties

If you are configuring SAML 2.0 Service Provider services for web single sign-on, after you complete the configuration settings on this page, return to the SAML 2.0 General page and click Publish Meta Data.

Configuration Options

Name Description

Specifies whether the local site is enabled for the Service Provider role.

This attribute must be enabled in order to publish the metadata file.

MBean Attribute:

Always Sign Authentication Requests

Specifies whether authentication requests must be signed. If set, all outgoing authentication requests are signed.

MBean Attribute:

Force Authentication

Specifies whether the Identity Provider must authenticate users directly and not use a previous security context. The default is false.

Note the following:

  1. Setting ForceAuthn to true -- that is, enabling Force Authentication -- has no effect in WebLogic Server. SAML logout is not supported in WebLogic Server, so even if the user is already authenticated at the Identity Provider site and ForceAuthn is set to true, the user is not forced to authenticate again at the Identity Provider site.

  2. Setting both ForceAuthn and IsPassive to true -- that is, Force Authentication and Passive are enabled -- is an invalid configuration that causes WebLogic server to generate an exception and also causes the single sign-on session to fail.

MBean Attribute:


Determines whether the Identity Provider and the user must not take control of the user interface from the requester and interact with the user in a noticeable fashion. The default setting is false.

The WebLogic Server SAML 2.0 services generate an exception if Passive (IsPassive) is enabled and the end user is not already authenticated at the Identity Provider site. In this situation, web single sign-on fails.

MBean Attribute:

Only Accept Signed Assertions

Specifies whether incoming SAML 2.0 assertions must be signed.

MBean Attribute:

Authentication Request Cache Size

The maximum size of the authentication request cache.

This cache stores documents issued by the local Service Provider that are awaiting response from a partner Identity Provider.

Specify '0' to indicate that the cache is unbounded.

MBean Attribute:

Authentication Request Cache Timeout

The maximum timeout (in seconds) of <AuthnRequest> documents stored in the local cache.

This cache stores documents issued by the local Service provider that are awaiting response from a partner Identity Provider. Documents that reach this maximum timeout duration are expired from the local cache even if no response is received from the Identity Provider. If a response is subsequently returned by the Identity Provider, the cache behaves as if the <AuthnRequest> had never been generated.

MBean Attribute:

POST One Use Check Enabled

Specifies whether the POST one-use check is enabled.

If set, the local site POST binding endpoints will store identifiers of all inbound documents to ensure that those documents are not presented more than once.

MBean Attribute:

POST Binding Enabled

Specifies whether the POST binding is enabled for the Service Provider.

MBean Attribute:

Artifact Binding Enabled

Specifies whether the Artifact binding is enabled for the Service Provider.

MBean Attribute:

Preferred Binding

Specifies the preferred binding type for endpoints of Service Provider services. Must be set to "None", "POST", or "Artifact".

MBean Attribute:

Default URL

The Service Provider's default URL.

When an unsolicited SSO response arrives at the Service Provider without an accompanying target URL, the user (if authenticated) is redirected to this default URL.

MBean Attribute:

Assertion Key Pass Phrase

The passphrase used to retrieve the local site's Assertion key from the keystore.

MBean Attribute:

Assertion Key Alias

The keystore alias for the certificate and private key to be used to encrypt and decrypt SAML Assertions.

The certificate is published in the SP metadata, which will be used by an external SP to encrypt SAML assertions.

The private key is used to decrypt assertions. If the alias is not specified, the server's configured SSL identity alias is used by default.

MBean Attribute:

Meta Data Encryption Algorithms

The list of data, key encryption algorithms, separated by line breaks, to be published in a WebLogic Service Partner's metadata. Default list includes: aes128-gcm, aes192-gcm, aes256-gcm, aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc, rsa-oaep, rsa-oaep-mgf1p

MBean Attribute:

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