9 Configuring Resource Overrides
Resource overriding allows administrators to customize resources at the partition level. You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control (FMWC), the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, or WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) to configure resource overrides.
WebLogic Server Multitenant domain partitions, resource groups, resource group templates, virtual targets, and Resource Consumption Management are deprecated in WebLogic Server and will be removed in the next release.The following information describes resource overrides and how to configure them.
Resource Overrides: Overview
If you create a partition with a resource group that extends a resource group template, then you can override settings for certain resources defined in that resource group template.
Resource override configuration MBeans are deprecated in WebLogic Server and will be removed in the next release.
If you create a resource group within the partition that does not extend a resource group template and create resources within this resource group, then you do not need overrides; you can just set partition-specific values for these resources. Overrides are used mainly when there is a common definition for the resource, such as in a resource group template.
Resource group templates are particularly useful in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) environments where WebLogic Server Multitenant (MT) activates the same applications and resources multiple times, once per domain partition. Some of the information about such resources is the same across all domain partitions, while some of it, such as JMS queues and database connections, varies from one partition to the next. For example, you would need to customize the URL, user name, and password used to connect to a data source among different partitions.
Administrators can override resource definitions in partitions using the following techniques:
Resource override configuration MBeans: A configuration MBean that exposes a subset of attributes of an existing resource configuration MBean. Any attribute set on an instance of an overriding configuration MBean replaces the value of that attribute in the corresponding resource configuration MBean instance.
Resource deployment plans: An XML file that identifies resources within a partition and overrides attribute settings on those resources.
Partition-specific application deployment plans: Similar to application deployment plans, it allows administrators to specify a partition-specific application deployment plan for each application deployment in a partition. For information about partition-specific application deployment plans, see Using Partition-Specific Deployment Plans.
Administrators can combine any of these resource overriding techniques. The system applies them in the following, ascending order of priority:
file and external descriptors, including partition-specific application deployment plans -
Resource deployment plans
Overriding configuration MBeans
If an attribute is referenced by both a resource deployment plan and an overriding configuration MBean, then the overriding configuration MBean takes precedence.
Using Configuration MBean Overrides
Overriding configuration MBeans lets you customize frequently tailored attributes, such as the attributes of a JMS queue or of a database connection. An attribute in an overriding configuration MBean might override the config.xml
settings for the resource or it might override a setting from the resource's external descriptor, depending on where the attribute resides.
In this release, WebLogic Server MT provides the following resource override configuration MBeans:
Resource configuration override MBeans typically work by matching the name of the overriding configuration MBean with the name of the resource MBean. See Configuring Resource MBean Overrides: Main Steps and WLST Examples.
Using Resource Deployment Plans
A resource deployment plan is an XML file that overrides attributes for one or more resources within a single partition. Each partition can have at most one resource deployment plan that can override any resources in that partition. This includes resources defined in resource group templates to which the partition's resource groups refer as well as resources declared directly in the resource groups.
When a server restarts, changes to nondynamic attributes from the resource deployment plan (and from overriding configuration MBeans), are applied before the resource is active. After a given resource is running, changes to the resource deployment plan that would affect nondynamic attributes of that resource do not take effect until the partition is restarted.
Resource deployment plans can be used with the following resources to override options that are configured in the config.xml
file or external descriptor files:
resource-deployment-plan Syntax
Resource deployment plans are based on the weblogic-resource-deployment-plan.xsd
file and possess a similar syntax to WebLogic Server application deployment plans. Resource deployment plans identify the resource and attribute values to be changed; they support replacing values, adding new ones, and removing existing ones.
The following is a summary of the resource-deployment-plan
resource-deployment-plan (@global-variables) description version variable-definition variable* name value external-resource-override* resource-name resource-type root-element variable-assigment* name xpath config-resource-override* resource-name resource-type variable-assigment* name xpath operation
The @ symbol indicates an XML attribute, and an asterisk (*) means the element can be repeated. The operation
element is optional but allowed in any variable-assignment
element, whether in an external-resource-override
element or a config-resource-override
The basic elements in the resource deployment plan serve the following functions:
is the root element; it encapsulates all of the resource deployment plan's contents. -
defines one or more variable elements. Each variable defines the name of a variable used in a plan and a value to assign (which can be null). The sample plan shown in Sample Resource Deployment Plan contains variable definitions for changes to the mail session user name, mail session JavaMail properties, and JDBC connection pool parameters, and test table name properties. -
element (and their child elements) does these three things:-
Identifies the resource to affect (
).The resources in a partition must have unique names within the partition.
Identifies where the attributes are defined.
All the attributes in the
element reside in theconfig.xml
file. Attributes in theexternal-resource-override
element are stored in external descriptor files. For resource deployment plans, the descriptor path is relative to the partition'sconfig/
directory. -
Specifies some number of attributes of that resource to override (
elements).After the attributes for the resource are located, the
elements are applied. An XPath expression tells where, relative to the identified resource's bean, the attribute to be affected appears in the bean tree. Thename
refers to a previously definedvariable
definition. Thatvariable
also sets thevalue
that should replace whatever is in the original attribute setting.By default, the values in
elements are added to the values that are already defined in the descriptor. You can change this behavior and cause thevariable-assignment
element to replace or remove the values that are defined in the descriptor by setting theoperation
subelement in thevariable-assignment
element to the valuereplace
, respectively.
For more information about the contents of a WebLogic Server resource deployment plan, see http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/resource-deployment-plan/1.0/resource-deployment-plan.xsd
. For more information about WebLogic Server application deployment plans, see Understanding Deployment Plan Contents in Deploying Applications to Oracle WebLogic Server.
Sample Resource Deployment Plan
The following shows a sample resource deployment plan:
<resource-deployment-plan xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/resource-deployment-plan" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/resource-deployment-plan http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/resource-deployment-plan/1.0/resource-deployment-plan.xsd" > <description>Example RDP</description> <variable-definition> <variable> <name>mailNewSessionUsername</name> <value>aaron</value> </variable> <variable> <name>mailNewProps</name> <value>mail.user=someoneElse;mail.host=myMailServer.oracle.com</value> </variable> <variable> <name>jdbcTableToTest</name> <value>JUNK_TABLE</value> </variable> </variable-definition> <external-resource-override> <resource-name>myjdbc</resource-name> <resource-type>jdbc-system-resource</resource-type> <root-element>jdbc-data-source</root-element> <variable-assignment> <name>jdbcTableToTest</name> <xpath>/jdbc-data-source/jdbc-connection-pool-params/test-table-name</xpath> </variable-assignment> </external-resource-override> <config-resource-override> <resource-name>myMail</resource-name> <resource-type>mail-session</resource-type> <variable-assignment> <name>mailNewSessionUsername</name> <xpath>/mail-session/session-username</xpath> </variable-assignment> <variable-assignment> <name>mailNewProps</name> <xpath>/mail-session/properties</xpath> </variable-assignment> </config-resource-override> </resource-deployment-plan>
Configuring Resource MBean Overrides: Main Steps and WLST Examples
When configuring a resource MBean override, you define a system resource override with a name that matches the resource you want to override, then configure partition-specific attributes for it.
Prior to creating resource overrides in a domain partition, you must have first defined the resource that you want to override in a resource group template.
Configuring a JDBC System Resource Override: Main Steps
The main steps for configuring a JDBC system resource override are as follows:
- Create the JDBC system resource override with the name of the data source that you want to override.
- Optionally, provide partition-specific URL, user name, and password values.
- If the resource is running, then restart the partition for the overrides to take effect.
Configuring a JDBC System Resource Override: WLST Example
The following example shows how to configure a JDBC system resource override using WLST:
edit() startEdit() cd('/Partitions/myPartition') cmo.createJDBCSystemResourceOverride('myGDS') cd('/Partitions/myPartition/JDBCSystemResourceOverrides/myJDBCSystemResourceOverride') cmo.setURL('jdbc:oracle:thin:@lcr01156:1521:wldevdb2') cmo.setUser('admin') setEncrypted('Password', 'Password_1440013198602', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Config', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Secret') activate()
Configuring a JMS System Resource Override: Main Steps
The main steps for configuring a JMS system module or foreign server override are as follows:
Provide a name for the foreign server override.
The system matches overrides using the name of the overriding configuration MBean with the name of the actual resource to be overridden.
Optionally, provide partition-specific values for initial context factory, connection URL, JNDI properties credential, and JNDI properties.
If the resource is running, then restart the partition for the overrides to take effect.
The main steps for configuring a JMS foreign server or foreign destination override are as follows:
Provide a foreign JMS destination name for the foreign destination override.
The name of this foreign destination override must match the name of the actual resource to be overridden.
Optionally, provide a partition-specific remote JNDI name value.
If the resource is running, then restart the partition for the overrides to take effect.
The main steps for configuring a JMS foreign server or foreign connection factory override are as follows:
Configuring a JMS System Resource Override: WLST Example
The following example shows how to configure a JMS system resource override using WLST:
edit() startEdit() cd('/Partitions/myPartition') cmo.createJMSSystemResourceOverride('myJMSmoduleOverride') activate() startEdit() cd('/Partitions/myPartition/JMSSystemResourceOverrides/myJMSmoduleOverride') cmo.createForeignServer('newJMSforeignServer') cd('/Partitions/myPartition/JMSSystemResourceOverrides/myJMSmoduleOverride/ForeignServers/newJMSforeignServer') setEncrypted('JNDIPropertiesCredential', 'JNDIPropertiesCredential_1440013308523', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Config', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Secret') cmo.setConnectionURL('java.naming.provider.url') cmo.setInitialContextFactory('weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory') activate() startEdit() cmo.createForeignDestination('myForeignDestinationOverride') cd('/Partitions/myPartition/JMSSystemResourceOverrides/myJMSmoduleOverride/ForeignServers/newJMSforeignServer/ForeignDestinations/myForeignDestinationOverride') cmo.setRemoteJNDIName('/remote') activate() startEdit() cd('/Partitions/myPartition/JMSSystemResourceOverrides/myJMSmoduleOverride/ForeignServers/newJMSforeignServer') cmo.createForeignConnectionFactory('myJMSconnectionFactoryOverride') cd('/Partitions/myPartition/JMSSystemResourceOverrides/myJMSmoduleOverride/ForeignServers/newJMSforeignServer/ForeignConnectionFactories/myJMSconnectionFactoryOverride') setEncrypted('Password', 'Password_1440013370283', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Config', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Secret') cmo.setUsername('wlsqa') cmo.setRemoteJNDIName('/remote') activate()
Configuring a Mail Session Override: Main Steps
The main steps for configuring a mail session override are as follows:
Provide a name for the mail session override.
The system matches overrides using the name of the overriding configuration MBean with the name of the resource MBean.
Optionally, provide partition-specific values for session user name, session password, and JavaMail properties.
If the resource is running, then restart the partition for the overrides to take effect.
Configuring a Mail Session Override: WLST Example
The following example shows how to configure a mail session override using WLST:
edit() startEdit() cd('/Partitions/myPartition') cmo.createMailSessionOverride('myMailSessionOverride') cd('/Partitions/myPartition/MailSessionOverrides/myMailSessionOverride') cmo.setSessionUsername('wlsqa') setEncrypted('SessionPassword', 'SessionPassword_1440013452297', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Config', 'C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/Script1440013057535Secret') cmo.setProperties({}) activate()
Configuring Resource Deployment Plans: Main Steps and WLST Example
You configure a resource deployment plan by creating an XML document that identifies resources within a partition and overrides attribute settings on those resources.
- Using an XML editor, create a resource deployment plan. See resource-deployment-plan Syntax and Sample Resource Deployment Plan.
- Associate the resource deployment plan with a partition by providing the path to the resource deployment plan file.
- If the resource is running, then restart the partition.
The following shows the WLST commands for associating a resource deployment plan with an existing partition:
edit() startEdit() partition=cmo.lookupPartition(partitionName) partition.setResourceDeploymentPlanPath('/path/to/the/file.xml') save() activate()
Configuring Resource Overrides: Related Tasks and Links
The referenced information provides steps for configuring resource overrides using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control (FMWC) and the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
WebLogic Server Resource Overrides in Administering Oracle WebLogic Server with Fusion Middleware Control.
JDBC Overrides, Mail Session Overrides, and JMS Overrides in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.