9.1.1 Add Extract

Extract process can be configured in GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) 23ai web-based user interface.

To create an extract:

  1. Complete prerequisites based on source technology type. See the following sections for technology-specific details.
  2. Download dependencies using dependency downloader for your source technology and note the path to dependency files.
  3. If required, create the credential store entry. See the following sections for technology-specific details.
  4. In GG for DAA UI, go to Administration Service and click Add Extract.
  5. In Extract Information, provide a Process Name for the extract, select source technology and extract type.
  6. In Extract Options, provide a name for Extract Trail, select Source Credentials and Alias.
  7. Managed Options are optional, enable if needed.
    Option Description
    Profile Name Provides the name of the autostart and autorestart profile. You can select the default or custom options.

    If you have already created a profile, then you can select that profile also. If you select the Custom option, then you can set up a new profile from this section itself.

    Critical to deployment health

    (Oracle only) Enable this option if the profile is critical for the deployment health.


    This option only appears while creating the Extract or Replicat and not when you set up the managed processes in the Profiles page.

    Auto Start Enables autostart for the process
    Startup Delay Time to wait in seconds before starting the process
    Auto Restart Configures how to restart the process if it terminates
    Max Retries Specify the maximum number of retries to try to start the process
    Retry Delay Delay time in trying to start the process
    Retries Window The duration interval to try to start the process
    Restart on Failure only If true, the task is only restarted if it fails.
    Disable Task After Retries Exhausted If true, then the task is disabled after exhausting all attempts to restart the process.

    Parameter File will be populated based on your source technology selection. In Parameter File, update the fields marked as TODO.

  8. Create and Run will register the extract and start it.