9.1 Source

The Extract process is configured to run against the source technology, capturing data generated in the true source tecnology located somewhere else. This process is the extraction or the data capture mechanism of GG for DAA.

You can configure an Extract for the following use cases:
  • Initial Load Extract: When you set up GG for DAA for initial loads, the Extract process captures the current, static set of data directly from the source objects. This configuration of Extract process uses source source to capture data.
  • Change Data Capture Extract: When you set up GG for DAA to keep the source data synchronized with another set of data, the Extract process captures the DML and (if supported) DDL operations performed on the configured objects after the initial synchronization has taken place. It stores these operations until it receives commit records or rollbacks for the transactions that contain them. If it receives a rollback, it discards the operations for that transaction. If it receives a commit, it persists the transaction to disk in a series of files called a trail, where it is queued for propagation to the target system. All the operations in each transaction are written to the trail and are in the order in which they were committed to the source technology. This design ensures both speed and data integrity. The format of the data written to trail files depends on the source technology.