Troubleshooting Plug-in Based DDL Replication

Plug-in based DDL replication relies on a metadata history table and the metadata plugin and server. To troubleshoot when DDL replication is enabled, the history table contents and the metadata plugin server logs are required.

You can use the mysqldump command to generate the history table dump using one of the following examples:

mysqldump [options] database [tables]
mysqldump [options] --databases [options] DB1 [DB2 DB3...]
mysqldump [options] --all-databases [options]

For example, bash-3.2$ mysqldump -uroot -pwelcome oggddl history > outfile

The metadata plugins and server logs are located in the MySQL and Oracle GoldenGate installation directories respectively.

If you find an error in the log files, you need to ensure that the metadata server is running.