Uninstalling Plug-In Based DDL Replication

If you no longer want to capture the DDL events, then you can use the same install script and select the uninstall option to disable the DDL setup. Also, any Extract with DDL parameters should be removed or disabled. If you want to capture the DDL again, you can run the install script again. You should take care when multiple instances of the capture process is running on the same instance of your MySQL server. The DDL setup should not be disturbed or uninstalled when multiple capture processes are running and when at most one capture is designed to capture the DDL statement.

Use the installation script with the uninstall option to uninstall DDL Replication. For example:

bash-3.2$ ./ddl_install.sh uninstall root welcome 3306
The script performs the following tasks:
  1. Uninstalls the ddl_rewriter and ddl_metadata plugins.

  2. Deletes the oggddl.history table if exists.

  3. Removes the plugins from MySQL plugin directory.

  4. Stops the metadata_server if it is running.