About Parallel Replicat

Parallel Replicat is another variant of Replicat that applies transactions in parallel to improve performance.

It takes into account dependencies between transactions, similar to Integrated Replicat. The dependency computation, parallelism of the mapping and apply is performed outside the database so can be off-loaded to another server. The transaction integrity is maintained in this process. In addition, parallel Replicat supports the parallel apply of large transactions by splitting a large transaction into chunks and applying them in parallel.

Parallel Replicat supports the following two modes: Integrated and Non-integrated. Only Oracle database supports parallel Replicat and integrated parallel Replicat. However, parallel Replicat supports all databases when using the non-integrated option.

To use parallel Replicat, you need to ensure that you have the following values, which are also the default values:

  • Metadata in the trail (which means you can't use parallel Replicat if your trails are formatted below 12.1).
  • You must have scheduling columns in your trail file.

With integrated parallel Replicat, the Replicat sends the LCRs to the inbound server, which applies the data to the target database, and in regular parallel Replicat, Oracle GoldenGate applies the LCR as a SQL statement directly to the database, similar to how the other non-integrated Replicats work.


For best performance for an OLTP workload, parallel Replicat in non-integrated mode is recommended.

The components of parallel Replicat are:

  • Mappers operate in parallel to read the trail, map trail records, convert the mapped records to the Integrated Replicat LCR format, and send the LCRs to the Merger for further processing. While one Mapper maps one set of transactions, the next Mapper maps the next set of transactions. The trail information is split and the trail file is untouched because it orders trail information in order.
  • Master processes have two threads, Collater and Scheduler. The Collater receives mapped transactions from the Mappers and puts them back into trail order for dependency calculation. The Scheduler calculates dependencies between transactions, groups transactions into independent batches, and sends the batches to the Appliers to be applied to the target database.
  • Appliers reorder records within a batch for array execution. It applies the batch to the target database and performs error handling. It also tracks applied transactions in checkpoint tables.


Parallel Replicat requires that any foreign key columns are indexed.

Benefits of Parallel Replicat

The following are the benefits of using parallel Replicat:

  • Integrated Parallel Replicat enables heavy workloads to be partitioned automatically among parallel apply processes that apply multiple transactions concurrently, while preserving the integrity and atomicity of the source transaction. Both a minimum and maximum number of apply processes can be configured with the PARALLELISM and MAX_PARALLELISM parameters. Replicat automatically adds additional servers when the workload increases, and then adjusts downward again when the workload lightens.
  • Integrated Parallel Replicat requires minimal work to configure. All work is configured within one Replicat parameter file, without configuring range partitions.
  • High-performance apply streaming is enabled for integrated parallel Replicat by means of a lightweight application programming interface (API) between Replicat and the inbound server.
  • Barrier transactions are coordinated by integrated parallel Replicat among multiple server apply processes.
  • DDL operations are processed as direct transactions that force a barrier by waiting for server processing to complete before the DDL execution.
  • Transient duplicate primary key updates are handled by integrated parallel Replicat in a seamless manner.
  • Parallel Replicat can break a single large transaction into smaller chunks and apply those chunks in parallel. See SPLIT_TRANS_RECS for details.

Parallel Replication Architecture

Parallel replication processes leverage the apply processing functionality that is available within the Oracle Database in integrated mode. Within a single Replicat configuration, multiple inbound server child processes, known as apply servers, apply transactions in parallel while preserving the original transaction atomicity.

The following architecture diagram depicts the flow of change records through the various processes of a parallel replication from the trail files to the target database, for a non-integrated parallel Replicat.

The following is the description of the architecture diagram given above:

  • The Mappers read the trail file and map records, forward the mapped records to the Master. The batches are sent to the Appliers where they are applied to the target database.
  • The Master process consists of two separate threads, Collater and Scheduler. The Collater is responsible for managing and communicating with the Mappers, along with receiving the mapped transactions and reordering them into a single in-order stream. The Scheduler is responsible for managing and communicating with the Appliers, along with reading transactions from the Collater, batching them, and scheduling them to Appliers.
  • The Scheduler controller communicates with the Scheduler to gather any necessary information (such as, the current low watermark position). The Scheduler controller is required for CDB mode for Oracle Database because it is responsible for aggregating information pertaining to the different target PDBs and reporting a unified picture. The Scheduler controller is created for simplicity and uniformity of implementation, even when not in CDB mode. Every process reads the parameter file and shares a single checkpoint file.

Basic Parameters for Parallel Replicat

The following table lists the basic parallel Replicat parameters and their description.

Parameter Description


Configures number of mappers. This controls the number of threads used to read the trail file. The minimum value is 1, maximum value is 100 and the default value is 2.


Configures number of appliers. This controls the number of connections in the target database used to apply the changes. The default value is four.



The Apply parallelism is auto-tuned. You can set a minimum and maximum value to define the ranges in which the Replicat automatically adjusts its parallelism. There are no defaults. Do not use with APPLY_PARALLELISM at same time.


Specifies that large transactions should be broken into pieces of specified size and applied in parallel. Dependencies between pieces are still honored. Disabled by default.


Enables commit FULL serialization mode, which forces transactions to be committed in trail order.

Advanced Parameters


Controls how far ahead the Scheduler looks when batching transactions. The default value is 10000.


Controls how large a transaction must be for parallel Replicat to consider it as large. When parallel Replicat encounters a transaction larger than this size, it will serialize it, resulting in decreased performance. However, increasing this value will also increase the amount of memory consumed by parallel Replicat.

Example Parameter File

REPLICAT repe USERID ggadmin, password *** 
MAP *.*, TARGET *.*;