Define an ODBC data source

Follow these steps to specify a data source name (DSN) to which the GGSCI command interface can connect on the source and to which the Replicat process can connect on the target.

  1. Log into the NonStop system and select a TACL prompt.
  2. Edit or TEdit the $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ODBCDSN ODBC configuration file.
  3. Add the DSN to the [ODBC Data Sources] list, as shown in Example 24-1. A DSN of TDM_Default_DataSource and default connection settings are included in this file by default.
  4. Define your data source connection by adding the following lines as needed:
    • [dsn]: Replace dsn in the heading with the actual DSN.

    • Description: Add a text string description, if needed.

    • Catalog: Add the database catalog.

    • Schema: Add the database schema.

    • Server: Add the NSK server. The server is where the ODBC/MX server is running and must be in the format of TCP:IP_address_or_domain_name/IP_port as shown in Example 24-1.

    • Add the other parameters only if you want them to be something other than the default settings specified under TDM_Default_DataSource .


    The DSN in the ODBCDSN file must exactly match the DSN that is defined in the ODBC/MX service. Data source names are case-sensitive.

  5. Save the file and then exit the edit session.

Example 24-1 Template for ODBC configuration file


TraceFlags = 6
TraceStart = 0TraceFile = trlog

[ODBC Data Sources]
TDM_Default_DataSource = NonStop ODBC/MX 2.3
<dsn> = NonStop ODBC/MX 2.3

DataSourceName = <Driver>

Description = Default Data Source
Catalog = CAT
Schema = SCH
DataLang = 0
FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
Server =

Description = <text string describing data source>
Catalog = <target catalog>
Schema = <target schema>
Server = TCP:<ip address or domain name>/<ip port>

For more information about the $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ODBCDSN file and how to configure ODBC for SQL/MX, see HP NonStop Open System Services ODBC/MX Client Driver at.