3 Provisioning Oracle GoldenGate Microservices on Marketplace

This chapter describes the steps to provision Oracle GoldenGate Microservices for Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

Finding Oracle GoldenGate within the Oracle Cloud Marketplace

To launch Oracle GoldenGate Microservices from Oracle Cloud Marketplace:
  1. Log in to Oracle Cloud Marketplace.
  2. From the Oracle Cloud Marketplace home page, use the search box under Applications and search for the keywords GoldenGate.
  3. From the search results, select one of the following: Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle, Oracle GoldenGate for Non-Oracle, or Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data, based on your required database or Big Data implementation.

Deploying Oracle GoldenGate Microservices on Oracle Cloud Marketplace

After finding Oracle GoldenGate Microservices listing in Oracle Cloud Marketplace, you can deploy Oracle GoldenGate using the provided Stack Listing. This TerraForm Stack prompts you for specific information and then builds the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Node with the desired hardware settings, Oracle Database Client (if applicable), Oracle GoldenGate Microservices and up to two default deployments.

To deploy Oracle GoldenGate Microservices on Oracle Cloud Marketplace using the Stack Listing, after you have found Oracle GoldenGate from the search results on Oracle Cloud Marketplace:

  1. From the Application page, select Get App.
  2. Select OCI Region or Log in using your Single Sign-On credentials.
    • OCI Region – Select the desired region and click Create Stack.
  3. Provide the OCI tenant details.
  4. Sign in to the Identity provider and then provide the following details:
  5. On the Oracle GoldenGate application page, provide the following information:
    • Select Version - It provides a list of versions that are available in the listing.
    • Select Compartment - Specifies the compartment where the compute node will be built. It is generally the location that you have access to build the compute node.
    • Terms of Use - This check box is selected by default. Oracle recommends to review the licenses before proceeding with the instance creation.
    • Launch Stack - It launches the stack in the OCI environment.
  6. Fill in the required Stack information:
    • Name - Name of the Stack. It has a default name and provides a date time stamp. You can edit this detail, if required.
    • Description - Description of the Stack that you are creating.
    • Create In Compartment – It defaults to the compartment you have selected on the Oracle GoldenGate application page.
    • Tags (optional) – Tags are a convenient way to assign a tracking mechanism but are not mandatory. You can assign a tag of your choice for easy tracking. You have to assign a tag for some environments for cost analysis purposes.
    • Click Next.
  7. Fill in the required details to configure variables. This information is required to build the compute node with Oracle GoldenGate Microservices.
    • Name for New Resources -
      1. Display Name – Display name used to identify all new OCI resources.
      2. Host DNS Name – Name of the Domain Name Service for the new compute node.
    • Network Settings -
      1. Create New Network – Select this check box if you wish to create a new network resource.
        • If you select this check box, the Create New Network wizard appears allowing you to add and edit the new network information.
        • If you do not select this check box, the Create New Network wizard does not appear and the compute node is created with the existing network options in the VCN.
      2. Network Compartment (optional) – Compartment for new or existing network resources.
      3. VCN (optional) – Existing VCN to use for the newly created instance if you are not creating a new network.
      4. Subnet Network Compartment (optional) - It specifies the compartment in which the VCN submit resides.
      5. Subnet (optional) – Existing subnet to use for the newly created instance if you are not creating a new network. The subnet that you have selected must match the same Availability Domain set in the Instance Settings.
    • Instance Settings -
      1. Availability Domain – It specifies the availability domain for the newly created Oracle GoldenGate Instance. It must match the Subnet that you have selected in the Use Existing Network settings.
      2. Compute Shape – Shape of new compute instance. Supported shapes are VM.Standard2.1, VM.Standard2.4, VM.Standard2.8, VM.Standard2.16, and VM.Standard2.24, VM.Standard3.Flex, VM.Standard.E3.Flex, and VM.Standard.E4.Flex
      3. Assign Public IP – This option indicates if the newly created VM should have a public IP address. This option is selected by default. If you clear this check box, no public IP address will be assigned preventing public access to the compute node.


        If you are using a private IP address to access the compute node, you have to set up an IPSec VPN or FastConnect connection. Refer to OCI documentation for more details.
      4. Custom Volume Sizes- Select this check box to customize the size of the new block storage volumes that are built for the compute node.

        Block Storage (Custom Volume Sizes) -

        1. Boot Volume Size – Default value is 50GB
        2. Swap Volume Size – Default value is 256GB
        3. Trails Volume Size – Default value is 512GB
        4. Deployments Volume Size – Default value is 50GB

    • Create Oracle GoldenGate Deployment -
      1. Deployment: An option for the Oracle Database Marketplace image is to select Deployment - Autonomous Database which then prompts you for more information about the Autonomous DB to connect to the GoldenGate Deployment with the following details:
        • Deployment Name: Name of the Oracle GoldenGate Deployment.
        • Deployment - Autonomous Database. Select if deployment connects to an Autonomous Database
        • Deployment - Autonomous Database Compartment. Compartment that existing Autonomous Database resides in Deployment - Autonomous Database instance.
        • Choose an Autonomous Database instance: This variable is required.
    • Shell Access -
      • SSH Public Key - Public Key for allowing SSH access as the opc user. Enter the key and click Next.
  8. On the Review page, review the information you provided and then click Create.
  9. After clicking Create, you are navigated to the Stacks Job Details page. You can monitor the creation of the compute node using this page.
  10. Upon completion, you can now view the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices compute node under Instances.

Migrating to Exadata Cloud@Customer Using Oracle Zero Downtime Migration

The Marketplace image Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle – Database Migrations contains a downloadable Docker image that you can install on premises in order to migrate data to Exadata Cloud@Customer using Oracle Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM). All migration targets other than Exadata Cloud@Customer should use the Oracle GoldenGate installation on the Marketplace conpute instance instead of the docker image.

For more information on Oracle Zero Downtime Migration, see Move to Oracle Cloud Using Zero Downtime Migration.

It is required to have a Docker engine set up on the system that will host the Docker image. For more information about setting up a Docker engine, see Docker Documentation.

  1. Provision and start an Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle – Database Migrations Marketplace compute instance. This is necessary to download the docker image from the Marketplace instance. You can stop the instance and delete it once the docker image is downloaded.
  2. Use SFTP or SCP to download the docker image file from the following location: /home/opc/ora21c-
  3. Load the docker image to your Docker Engine installation using docker load command as shown in the following example:
    [opc@zdmol8 ~]$ sudo docker image list
    Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
    [opc@zdmol8 ~]$ 
    [opc@zdmol8 ~]$ sudo docker load < ./ora21c-
    Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob 24bb09b2817c done  
    Copying blob ae9fa111a1ac done  
    Copying blob 67d008ba80bc done  
    Copying blob 0d2d7cc2c739 done  
    Copying blob 8e10c3fcde59 done  
    Copying blob 006248eeb32f done  
    Copying config 3b6feb874a done  
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
    Loaded image: docker.io/oracle/goldengate:
    For more information about usage of docker, see Docker Documentation.
  4. Run the image as a container using the docker run command. The image needs to expose port 443 for HTTPS access to the Oracle GoldenGate web UI and API, use appropriate parameters to expose and map ports. As part of the docker run output, the password for the ggadmin user is generated and displayed as follows:
    [opc@zdmol8 ~]$ sudo docker run --name ogg218 -p 443:443 docker.io/oracle/goldengate: 
    Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
    --  Password for OGG administrative user 'oggadmin' is 'BmRqDusMoOp0-IGri'
    Ensure to change the password later in the Oracle GoldenGate web UI.


    For more information about the parameters for the docker run command, see Running Oracle GoldenGate in a Container in the GITHUB page. All the parameters here are optional. The docker image was created using the docker file from that project described in this page.
  5. Once the docker container has started, you can access it through the Oracle GoldenGate web UI using http://hostname, where hostname is the hostname or IP address of the server where the docker container was started. If port 443 was remapped to a different port, then adjust the URL accordingly.