Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture

These instructions are for upgrading to Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture for Oracle databases.


Obtaining the Oracle GoldenGate Distribution

To obtain Oracle GoldenGate, follow these steps:

  1. Go to edelivery: edelivery.oracle.com
    Also see MOS note 1645495.1 and 2193391.1 for more information.
    To access Oracle Technology Network, go to https://www.oracle.com/middleware/technologies/goldengate.html
  2. Find the Oracle GoldenGate 21c release and download the ZIP file onto your system.

For more information about locating and downloading Oracle Fusion Middleware products, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and Configuration Readme Files on Oracle Technology Network.

Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture for Oracle Database

These instructions contain the procedure for performing the minimal upgrade.

Before proceeding, make certain that you have reviewed the following preparation information:


Trigger-based DDL capture has been desupported from 21c onward, so you need to upgrade to native DDL capture.


If you are using integrated capture and plan to upgrade from trigger-based DDL capture to new native DDL capture, do not remove the DDL trigger until prompted. Extract needs to mine DDL to the point where the redo COMPATIBLE level. For example, if Extract is behind by a week when the database is upgraded, Extract does not immediately switch to native DDL capture. It must be allowed to process the previous redo first, then Extract upgrades to native DDL capture automatically.
  1. Use the following command in GGSCI to determine the oldest archive log that you might need to restore when Extract starts. The Recovery Checkpoint field shows the oldest log needed for recovery.


    It's best to perform upgrade activities outside of the peak hours. If there are large and long running transactions, you may consider that on the source system, the new Extract might need to start processing from the normal recovery checkpoint, rather than the bounded recovery checkpoint, if the first record of the oldest open transaction at the time that you stop Extract is in a log that is not on the system.

    You have two options:

    • You can restore the archives back to, and including, the one shown in the recovery checkpoint shown with INFO EXTRACT.

    • You can clear out the long-running transactions that apply to the Extract that you are upgrading. This can be done by skipping the transactions or by forcing them to the trail as committed transactions. Skipping a transaction may cause data loss, and forcing a transaction to the trail may add unwanted data to the trail if the transaction is rolled back. To skip or force a transaction, follow these steps:

      1. View open transactions with the following command in GGSCI. Record the transaction ID of any transaction that you want to clean up.

      2. Clean up old transactions with the SEND EXTRACT command, using either the SKIPTRANS option to skip a transaction or the FORCETRANS option to force a transaction in its current state to the trail as a committed transaction.

      3. After you are finished cleaning up the long-running transactions, force a Bounded Recovery checkpoint.



        A forced checkpoint is necessary because the skipped or forced transaction is not cleaned up from the Bounded Recovery checkpoint and will be shown if SHOWTRANS is issued again. This is a known issue. For more information about SEND EXTRACT, see Reference for Oracle GoldenGate.
  2. (Target systems) In GGSCI, stop all Replicat processes.

  3. (Source and target systems) In GGSCI, stop Manager on the source and target systems.

  4. When updating target systems only, or if updating the target side before the source side, you must use STOP to stop all data pumps and any primary Extracts that write directly to those targets on any source running on this target. Any static collectors that may have been started that must be stopped, as well. To verify that there are no server processes running, use process checking shell commands, such as ps and grep.

  5. You need to use an out-of-place upgrade, which implies that you retain the existing installation in parallel while you run the upgrade. See Installing the Classic Architecture, Installing Patches for Oracle Platforms , and Patching Oracle GoldenGate Classic for Heterogeneous Databases in Installing Oracle GoldenGate for details.

  6. In GGSCI, start the Oracle GoldenGate processes on the source and target systems in the following order.


    If you need to restore any log files, Extract abends with an error that indicates the log to restore. Restore the logs back to, and including that log, and then restart Extract.

If you made copies of the parameter files to make parameter changes, move the new parameter files into the Oracle GoldenGate directory where the old parameter files were stored then rename them to the same names as the old parameter files. If you are using case-sensitivity support, ensure that you either add NOUSEANSISQLQUOTES to your parameter files, or that you ran the convprm utility to convert the quotes as required. See "Upgrade Considerations if Using Character-Set Conversion" for more information.

Upgrade Considerations for Older Oracle GoldenGate Releases

  • To accomodate the changes in the checkpoint table and heartbeattable, it is recommended that you upgrade the heartbeattable (source and target) and the checkpointtable (target only). If there is no change related to the objects, then the command returns with an informational message only. This step updates the table definition to add columns that support the Oracle GoldenGate 18c (18.1.0) release.

    In case of SQL Server and MySQL, you need to specifyc the SOURCEDB data source with DBLOGIN. See DBLOGIN command for details.

    owner.table can be omitted if the checkpoint table was created with the name listed with CHECKPOINTTABLE in the GLOBALS file. If the checkpoint table is already upgraded, then this command doesn't perform any further updates.

Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate from OUI

You can use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) on any of the Linux, UNIX, and Windows platforms that OUI supports and which Oracle GoldenGate supports. OUI is supported for Oracle versions 11g and later. An instance of Oracle GoldenGate can be installed for only one Oracle version in any given Oracle home. You can install multiple instances of Oracle GoldenGate for the same or different database versions on the same host.

The installer registers the Oracle GoldenGate home directory with the central inventory that is associated with the selected database. The inventory stores information about all Oracle software products installed on a host, provided the product was installed using OUI.

To perform the upgrade using OUI, perform the following steps:

  1. Unzip and untar the installation file.

  2. From the unzipped directory, run the runInstaller program on UNIX or Linux, or run setup.exe on Windows.

  3. On the Select Installation Option page, select the Oracle GoldenGate build to install, and then click Next to continue.

  4. On the Specify Installation Details page, specify the following:

    • For Software Location, specify the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. It can be a new or existing directory. The default location is under installing user's home directory, but Oracle recommends changing it to a local directory that is not mounted and has no quotas. The specified directory cannot be a registered home in the Oracle central inventory. If installing in a cluster, install Oracle GoldenGate on shared storage that is accessible by all of the cluster nodes.

    • (Optional) Select Start Manager to perform configuration functions, such as creating the Oracle GoldenGate sub-directories in the installation folder, setting library paths, and starting Manager on the specified port number. To proceed, a database must exist on the system. When Start Manager is selected, the Database Location and Manager Port fields are displayed.

      • The database must have a registered home in the Oracle central inventory. The installer registers the Oracle GoldenGate home directory with the central inventory.

      • For Manager Port, accept the default port number or enter a different unreserved, unrestricted port number for the Manager process to use for inter-process communication. The default port is the first available one starting with 7809. If you are installing multiple instances of Oracle GoldenGate on the same system, each must use a different port number.

  5. Click Next to continue. In case of upgrading existing Oracle GoldenGate Installation, OUI prompts that the selected Software location has files or directories. Click on Yes.

  6. The Create Inventory page is displayed if this is the first Oracle product to be installed from OUI on a host that does not have a central inventory.

    • For Inventory Directory, specify a directory for the central inventory. It can be a new directory or an existing directory that is empty and has the amount of disk space shown on the screen. The directory cannot be on a shared drive.

    • Select an operating system group in which the members have write permission to the inventory directory. This group is used to add inventory information to the Oracle GoldenGate sub-folder.

  7. On the Summary page, confirm that there is enough space for the installation and that the installation selections are correct. Optionally, click Save Response File to save the installation information to a response file. You can run the installer from the command line with this file as input to duplicate the results of a successful installation on other systems. You can edit this file or create a new one from a template.

  8. Click Install to begin the installation or Back to go back and change any input specifications. When Upgrading existing Oracle GoldenGate Installation, OUI will notify that the software location has files or directories. Click Yes to continue. You are notified when the installation is finished.

  9. If you created a central inventory directory, you are prompted to run the INVENTORY_LOCATION/orainstRoot.sh script. This script must be executed as the root operating system user. This script establishes the inventory data and creates sub-directories for each installed Oracle product (in this case, Oracle GoldenGate).

Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate using OUI – Silent

These instructions apply to new installations, as well as upgrades.

You can perform a silent installation from the command console if the system has no X-Windows interface or to perform an automated installation. Silent installations can ensure that multiple users in your organization use the same installation options when they install your Oracle products.

You perform a silent installation by running a response file. You can create a response file by selecting the Save Response File option during an interactive OUI session or by editing a template.

  1. To run a response file, use the following command:
    runInstaller -silent -nowait -responseFile absolute_path_to_response_file

    The response files and the template are stored in the response subdirectory of the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. The Oracle GoldenGate response file contains a standard set of Oracle configuration parameters in addition to parameters that are specific to Oracle GoldenGate. These parameters correspond to the fields in the interactive session.


    If you are upgrading an existing Oracle GoldenGate installation with the silent option, then you might get the following warning:

    WARNING:OUI-10030:You have specified a non-empty directory to install this product. It is recommended to specify either an empty or a non-existent directory.
    You may, however, choose to ignore this message if the directory contains Operating System generated files or subdirectories like lost+found. Do you want to proceed with installation in this Oracle Home?
  2. Press ENTER to continue.

Upgrading Configuration that includes Berkeley Database - Oracle GoldenGate 12.2 or later

When you are upgrading Oracle GoldenGate from release to and have enabled monitoring and the datastore is created by the Performance Metrics server, the best practice is to purge the data store before performing the upgrade. After the upgrade, the datastore is recreated. For more information about purging a datastore, see How to Purge the Datastore. in the Step by Step Data Replication Using Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture.

From Oracle GoldenGate onward, all operations related to the datastore have been removed and are taken care of by the Performance Metrics server. To know more, see Monitoring Performance.