Change the State of Microservices in a Deployment

You can toggle between the states of microservices, to manage errors or apply changes to a deployment configuration in microservices. The microservices can be in the following states:

  • Running

  • Stopped

  • Disabled

To change the state of the microservices associated with a deployment:

  1. From the Service Manager home page, click the Deployment name from the left navigation pane. The Microservices for the deployment show in the right pane.
  2. Click the Action button for the microservice for which the state needs to be changed.

    Change the state of a Microservice from the Service Manager

  3. Choose from the available options to change the state of the microservice:
    • Start/Stop: If the microservice is running, then the Stop option is available, and if its stopped, then the Start option appears.
    • Disable/Enable: If the microservice is in Stopped state, only then you can use the Disable option to disable the service. When a microservice is disabled, then the Action button changes to the Enable button, which implies that to change the state of the microservice, you would first need to enable it.