About Distribution Service and Distribution Path

The Distribution Service is accessible from the Service Manager home page or you can directly specify the URL in a web browser.

Log in to the Distribution Service for the associated deployment. From the Distribution Service home page you can see a dashboard that displays the path connecting the Extract and Replicat processes. You can add a distribution path or data streams from this interface.

Use the dashboard to perform the following operations.

Action Reference
  • Add distribution paths

  • Add data streams

  • View path details

  • Start or Stop the path

  • Reposition the path

  • Enable sharding using filters

  • Set or customize the DML filtering

  • Set the DDL filtering

  • Set or customize Procedure filtering

  • Customize Tag filtering

  • Delete a Path


Add a Distribution Path

Add Data Streams

Manage Distribution Paths

Also see:

ALTER DISTPATH command options.

About Distribution Paths

A path is used to send trail data between two data endpoints of a deployment. You can add, monitor, reposition, and manage these paths using the Distribution Service. This topic discusses the steps to create a distribution path (DISTPATHS).

A distribution path defines the route for the trail to send and receive data for different topologies. Oracle GoldenGate uses the target authentication method to define the method for connecting source and target deployments. The options for setting up the target authentication method are as follows:
  • USER ID ALIAS target authentication: On the target deployment, a user with Operator role is created and then the credentials of this user are added as credentials in the source Oracle GoldenGate deployment. When using the USERIDALIAS method, while creating the Distribution Path, the value of target authentication method is set to Password. The WSS (secure web socket) protocol is used for this type of distribution path.

  • Certificate target authentication: In this case, the distribution path uses trusted CA certificates to access the target deployment. The target authentication method that is set up which creating the Distribution Path is Certificate. The WSS (secure web socket) protocol is used for this type of distribution path.

  • OAuth target authentication: In this case, the Oracle GoldenGate user authentication is outsourced to an OAuth service such as IDCS and IAM as cloud-based identity providers and OAM as an on-premise identity provider.