Add an Online Extract

Before you begin adding an Extract, make sure that the following settings are configured: Now, you're ready to add an Extract for your deployment.
  1. From the Administration Service Home page, click the + sign next to Extracts. The Add Extract wizard is displayed.

  2. On the Extract Information screen, select the type of Extract. Types of Extract are Integrated Extract and Initial Load Extract.

    If you need to set up the Downstream Extract for Oracle database, enable the Downstream Extract toggle switch.

    Select the type of Extract to create, and specify the following:

    • Process Name: Name of the Extract process. The name of the Extract process can be up to 8 characters.

    • Description: Description of the Extract process being created


      To learn about creating initial load Extract, see About Instantiating with Initial Load Extract.
  3. Click Next.

  4. On the Extract Options screen configure the following settings:
    • Source Credentials: Specify a domain for the database.

    • Alias: Specify the user ID alias used as the database connection for the source login or select from the displayed options.

    • Registration Options:

      • CSN: Commit Sequence Number (CSN) value.

      • Share: This drop down is used to define how to share the LogMiner data dictionary. The available options are Automatic, None, and Extract Name. Automatic means that the system decides which Extract to share. None means that the LogMiner data dictionary is not shared. Extract Name means that the LogMiner data dictionary is shared with the specified Extract.

      • Optimized: Enable this option to optimize the Extract registration.

    • Extract Trail:

      • Name: Name of the Extract trail file. The name of the trail file can be upto 2 characters.

      • Subdirectory: Directory name of the subdirectory where the Extract trail is stored.

      • Trail Sequence: Sequence number of the trail.

      • Trail Size: Maximum size of the trail file.

      • Encryption Profile: Description of the encryption profile. If you have not created an encryption profile, then the Local Wallet profile would be selected, by default.

      • Encryption Algorithm: List of encryption algorithms available for the Extract trail file.


        For more information on trail file encryption, see Trail File Encryption and Encrypting Trail Files.
  5. Click Next.

  6. If you selected the Downstream Capture on the Extract Information screen, the Downstream Capture options screen is displayed. Configure the downstream mining database connection for the downstream Extract using this screen.
    • Mining Credentials: Specify the domain and the user ID alias value in the Domain and Alias boxes.

    • No UserID/No Source DB Connection: Enable this toggle switch to set up the mining database connection using Active Data Guard (ADG). The options to enter the ADG Fetch Credential are displayed:
      • Domain: Domain name for the ADG fetch database.

      • Alias: Domain alias for the ADG fetch database.

  7. Click Next. On the Managed Options screen, configure the auto start and auto restart options for the Extract process. The following table provides these options:

    The following table provides these options:

    Option Description
    Profile Name

    Provides the name of the autostart and autorestart profile. You can select the default or custom options.

    If you have already created a profile, then you can select that profile also. If you select the Custom option, then you can set up a new profile from this section itself.

    Critical to deployment health (Oracle only) Enable this option if the profile is critical for the deployment health.


    This option only appears while creating the Extract or Replicat and not when you set up the managed processes in the Profiles page.
    Auto Start Enables autostart for the process.
    Startup Delay Time to wait in seconds before starting the process
    Auto Restart Configures how to restart the process if it terminates
    Max Retries Specify the maximum number of retries to try to start the process
    Retry Delay Delay time in trying to start the process
    Retries Window The duration interval to try to start the process
    Restart on Failure only If true the task is only restarted if it fails.
    Disable Task After Retries Exhausted If true then the task is disabled after exhausting all attempts to restart the process.
  8. Click Next. On the Parameter File screen, you can edit the parameter file in the text area to list the table details that you are interested in capturing. Here's a sample Extract parameter file:
    EXTRACT exte
    USERIDALIAS ggeast DOMAIN OracleGoldenGate
    EXTTRAIL east/ea
    TABLE hr.*;
  9. You can select Register Extract in the background to register the Extract in the background asynchronously. This option is required for Oracle and PostgreSQL databases. See Register an Extract.

  10. Click Create and Run to create and start the Extract. If you select Create, the Extract is created but you need to start it using the Extract options.

    You return to either the Administration Service home page or the Extract page where all created Extracts are listed.

    To reach the Extracts page, select Extracts from the Administration Service left navigation pane. From the Extracts page, you can perform the following actions:
    • View the status and lag details of Extracts.

    • From the Actions column:
      • Click the Details icon to view Extract details such as PDB container name, selected encryption profile, auto start and auto restart options. Extract details also expand into specific details about checkpoint, statistics, parameters, cache manager statistics, report, and integrated diagnostics.

      • Click the Start/Stop icon for stopping or starting Extract.

      • Click the Delete icon to delete an Extract.

      • Click the three-dot icon to select option to start Extract with options or alter an Extract CSN value to begin an Extract.

        If you need to start the Extract at a specific CSN value or after a specific CSN value, select between At CSN or After CSN and specify the CSN value from where the Extract should start the extraction process.

      • You can alter an Extracts begin options. The begin options for Extract are Begin, Custom Time, and CSN. Begin immediately starts the Extract after Submit, Custom Time starts the Extract at the specified time, and CSN starts the Extract from the specified the commit sequence number (CSN).